Bedtime! Right now!

I watch my kids every night wanting to and even trying to stay up later, but the bottom line is that they shouldn’t and therefore don’t. My wife and I make sure they don’t stay up too late. Now, on the other side of this coin, I also notice that most nights my wife and I want to and even […]

Hiring a Criminal Defense Lawyer for Drug Charges

Probably one of the most serious cases someone could face is drug charges. In many countries, the consequences of being convicted of this crime are no joke, including hefty fines, jail time, and of course, a permanent mark on your criminal record. Apart from this, being convicted of this case would definitely affect a person’s reputation significantly, reducing the good […]

Chicken Broth And The Candida Diet

It took me several years of cooking to appreciate the value that chicken broth and broth, in fact all types of broth and broth, bring to the kitchen. What was once something of a specialty item in my kitchen has now become a mainstay on my weekly shopping list. I frequently buy chicken and vegetable stock and broth for a […]

Edep Yahu! (Decency, oh Allah!)

It has always caught my attention… There is a sign at the entrances of Sufist educational institutions, or somewhere visible, written “Edep Ya Hu!”, which means “O Allah (swt), provide us with decency! ” On some signs, this phrase is written in Arabic script in Islamic calligraphy. What does “edep” (decency) mean? Why do Sufis attach special importance to decency? […]

The best real estate website to use

With thousands of Real Estate websites, finding the right one can be a challenge. Do a Google search and you’ll find the most popular real estate websites like Zillow, Trulia, and Refine. Once you get past the first page, even less popular sites now have the same home search features. So how does a home owner or buyer know where […]

How to date a girl with trust issues

Trust in a relationship is a funny and fragile thing. On the one hand, it is an essential building block of a successful partnership between you and your lover. A relationship just doesn’t work without it. On the other hand, when it disappears, bad things happen. The relationship may well go down the drain. Even if it is not completely […]