4 tips for managing post-vacation blues

Everyone is relieved when the holidays are over and sometimes disappointed. If you’re out of stock, it’s worth taking the time to recharge a bit and pamper yourself. Here are four simple tips for handling these common blues:

* If you are disappointed and the holidays let you down in any way, please process that first. Write in your journal, talk to an understanding friend or family member, and classify your feelings. Understand why you were disappointed and what you are going to do to avoid such a scenario in the future. (If Uncle Harry got drunk and ruined the Christmas dinner, consider not serving alcohol) If the problem was big (your boyfriend left you, someone died, received terrible news over the holidays), then consider seeking the help of a good therapist o support group: don’t just deal with tragic news.

* If you’re just tired of all the celebrating, cooking, and prepping, consider pampering yourself. If you have the budget for it, take a spa day or a night in a hotel. If the budget is skyrocketing, get together with friends and do manicures or makeovers. Reserve an evening with your husband or boyfriend for a massage, DVD, and popcorn, or just to hang out together, without all the company. Take a nap, a bubble bath, or a day off to do nothing. Picnic in the living room with your children and pets.

* It’s a new year – consider refreshing yourself with something different. Try a different hair color, new makeup, a new exercise routine, or take some (inexpensive) dance lessons or pottery or art classes at your local Parks and Recreation Department, Community College Adult School, or your church. o Jewish Community Center.

* Have a little fun. She just spent two months doing hard things: taking family vacations, buying gifts, cooking, shopping, and having fun. Do something very easy that is fun for you. Take a bike ride on the beach or river, read a new novel, watch your favorite comedy movie, hang out with your best friend for coffee, email a funny YouTube video to your friends, play games. with your children or pets.

If your post-vacation blues are perennial or hereditary, you might benefit from scheduling an appointment to meet with a therapist. Families can benefit from therapy when they experience any stressful event that can strain family relationships, such as financial difficulties, divorce, or the death of a loved one.

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