Acupuncture, muscle numbness, and sciatic pain: a case study

Attorney Holmes was born in Boston to a relatively poor family. He took odd jobs shoveling snow and paving streets as a teenager before joining the military for three years, which helped pay for college tuition. He started drinking alcohol when he was in the army service. When he was in his early forties, he decided to stop drinking alcohol because he finally realized that drinking made him feel horrible afterward and because he believed that alcohol could damage his brain cells. Since he was trained to be a disciplined person in the United States military, once he decided to stop drinking, he was able to do so completely. But years of drinking had caused hormonal imbalances. For example, abnormal estrogen levels stimulated his prostate, and when he was seventy years old, he developed prostate cancer. She received radiation therapy and developed impotence for a time after surgery due to damage to her nerves and blood vessels. However, because he was no longer eating junk food or drinking alcohol, he was physically very healthy and was able to put his impotence behind him after about a year.

He came to my clinic four years ago due to numbness and weakness in his hands, as well as muscle atrophy. At the age of 82, he still went to court a couple of times a week as a defense attorney. He walked a mile with his dog every day, didn’t take any medication, and surprisingly, he was still able to sleep through the night for 7 to 8 hours. But he drank too much coffee, 4-5 cups a day, before starting acupuncture treatment.

When he first came to see me, I noticed that his thumb muscles were slightly atrophied. His grip was not firm and things sometimes got out of hand. First, she went to see a hand specialist, who recommended surgery, but said that while surgery can fix the problem, it can also cause chronic pain, swelling, and even nerve damage. He decided to try alternative medicine.

First of all, I recommended that you reduce your coffee consumption to one or two cups a day. Because acupuncture helps your body make endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine, it was easier for you to cut back on your coffee while on treatment. Although the coffee didn’t interrupt his sleep, it constricted the blood vessels in his hands and feet, stimulated his heart rate, and put a lot of strain on the muscle in his upper shoulder. I told him that if he could cut down to one cup each day, he could still stimulate his brain cells without sacrificing the health of his heart and his hands. He gradually cut his coffee.

I also found that she loved to sleep on her stomach with her head turned to the side. This may have caused muscle tension and pinched your cervical nerves. If the compression of the nerves lasts too long, the muscles of the hand may become weaker and weaker. I chose acupuncture points on his neck and foot to deeply relax his neck muscles and then used electrical acupuncture to facilitate the regeneration of nerves in his hand, which also strengthened the muscles in his hand. Once the blood circulation in the neck and hand is improved, the muscles of the hand are quickly strengthened. After 24 treatments, his hand function fully recovered and he no longer needed acupuncture.

Two years later, he returned with severe pain in his hip, leg, and ankle. The pain was so bad that he had to carry Aleve in the morning just to be able to walk. I treated him once with electrical stimulation, combining points on his lower back and leg. He felt instant relief in one day. Then she had such severe pain in the morning two days later that she had to double the dose of pain medication. She was so afraid of not being able to walk that she decided to increase her acupuncture treatments to two or three times a week.

I noticed that his pain was distributed throughout the L3, L4 and L5 area. In the morning, her pain was worse and moving around helped ease the pain. Considering his sleeping posture, which may have strained his pear-muscle and irritated his sciatic nerves, I recommended that he sleep on his back. Initially, he had to lie on his stomach periodically because that had been his preferred sleeping position for the past 84 years. In this way, he was unable to stay in one position for long. You could sleep on your back for 3 hours and then sleep on your stomach for another 4 hours. By combining position changes and acupuncture treatments twice a week, we were able to get rid of this new pain in three weeks.

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