An unbiased review from Yevo International: Is Yevo a good company?

Yevo International Review – Is Yevo The Real Business Or Just More MLM Advertising Before Launch?

So there is another company that is getting some interest within the network marketing industry, and the company is called Yevo International. Because the company has not yet officially launched, there is not a lot of “official” information online. In fact, the company’s corporate website is not yet available. With that said, there is a great deal of distributor-created content floating around. If you are reading this, chances are you are thinking of joining and doing some last minute research. If that’s the case, look no further because I’ll give you all the essential details you’ll need to make an informed decision about the company before joining. Before continuing, I want to disclose that I am not a Yevo distributor, nor am I affiliated with them in any way. In fact, I don’t really care one way or another whether you join the company or not, so you can be sure that you will get a truly unbiased perspective from me.

Yevo International Review – Who is Yevo anyway?

Yevo International is a company that sells nutrient-dense packaged whole foods through a network marketing business model. The company’s goal is to replace the processed foods that people eat with healthy, yet tasty, packaged meals packed with the protein, fiber, and omegas your body needs. From what I’ve seen, the meals are cost-effective, so you’ll save money as each serving costs less than $ 4. Some examples of foods you can buy in Yevo include chili, mac n cheese, soups, fettuccine alfredo, and apple oatmeal. and cinnamon. They also sell coffees and teas. The company is scheduled to launch in February 2015 and the management team appears to be very strong. In fact, several members of the management team (along with the main distributor, Jason Domingo) have worked together for years in other MLM companies. In addition to that, the founder of the company, Peter Castleman, is a very successful entrepreneur in the growth of various companies in both traditional business and network marketing. His estimated net worth is $ 850 million, and it is said that he plans to make sure Yevo doesn’t run out of funds as it launches around the world.

From a logical perspective, it makes sense. Healthy foods are better for you than processed foods. And spending $ 4 a serving is pretty cheap compared to what people pay for meals today. The biggest question in my head is “How does it taste?” If it doesn’t taste good, people won’t continue to buy products every month of how healthy the food is. If people were only concerned about the value of health, then fast food companies would be out of business and people would be buying spinach, kale, quinoa, and tofu by truck. I guess time will tell if the food tastes good. That said, if it tastes good, I don’t see why Yevo wouldn’t do well. At the end of the day, people have to eat 3-6 times a day, 7 days a week, 365 times a year. When it comes to selling consumable products, there is nothing better than food.

Yevo International Review – How do you make money?

As of this writing, the company has not officially launched yet, so joining options may change. But right now, you can join for $ 50 or you can get a starter pack. Starter packages start at $ 224, $ 480 or $ 560. The compensation plan pays for 9 ways, 2 of which pay weekly and 7 of which pay monthly. You can earn weekly income by retailing products and personally acquiring preferred customers. You can also earn immediate weekly income by earning 25% of purchases made in the first 30 days from your personally sponsored distributors. There are various bonuses that you can qualify for based on your rank and performance as well. The main feature of the compensation plan is the unilevel commissions (residual income) that you can accumulate over time. Depending on your rank, you can earn up to 10% of the volume of up to 7 levels in your group. In general, the compensation plan is fairly fair and for the right person it can be very lucrative.

Yevo International Review – Is Yevo a good company?

The short answer is yes. The management team is strong and the company itself appears to be financially stable. On top of that, the compensation plan and rewards look good. He is also in a position to be one of the company’s first distributors, as the company has yet to launch. All of that means automatic success if you join, right? Unfortunately, nothing could be further from the truth. You may have the best products and the best compensation plan in the industry, but if you can’t consistently personally enroll new people, you have little to no chance of building a strong business over time. This is why I recommend attraction marketing. If you can position yourself in front of people who are looking for what you are offering, you will never run out of leads and you will never run out of people that you can potentially enroll in your Yevo business. If you can learn Attraction Marketing and how to get leads online, and you can apply the proven techniques that your leadership team has in place, you don’t know how prosperous your Yevo business can be.

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