Cerebral palsy and birth injuries

Giving birth to a baby can be an incredibly beautiful and precious experience in your life. It is a moment that will surely stay with the mother and father forever. And many babies are born in hospitals. When mothers are pregnant, they carefully choose a doctor and hospital with which they feel most comfortable. But going to a safe hospital with doctors who will take the best possible care of you and your baby can be more difficult than we first thought. When your baby comes into the world, you want him to come into this world free of disorders and healthy as a newborn. But unfortunately, that is not always the case. Doctors’ negligence can often lead to serious birth injuries, such as cerebral palsy.

What is cerebral palsy?

Cerebral palsy affects the brain. Cerebral is related to the cerebellum and palsy is indicative of movement. Most CPy victims are infants. It is often considered a number of disorders that affect the brain and cause problems with vision, hearing, mental thinking, and movement. CP often affects babies 2 years old or younger. These developmental defects are usually not immediately apparent to parents and only show progression when the baby cannot walk, crawl, or sit up as easily as most babies.

What can be the cause of Cerebral Palsy?

Sometimes CP, unfortunately, is caused by doctor’s negligence. Doctor negligence is considered medical negligence that can have consequences on your newborn baby.

Some of these negligence cases are:

  • Leaving the baby in the canal for too long.
  • Failure to recognize and treat seizures after birth.
  • Unaware that the umbilical cord has wrapped around the baby’s neck, cutting off oxygen to the brain.
  • Not starting a caesarean section on time.

All these negligent actions can lead to a case of cerebral palsy in a newborn baby. And what does CP mean for your baby’s life? Well, every baby is different, but in general, the symptoms of cerebral palsy are:

  • Tight junctions that do not fully extend because they are contracted. This is known as joint contracture.
  • Muscle weakness causing the inability to move those muscles, almost like paralysis.
  • Abnormal walking because the leg muscles do not work or bend properly.
  • hampered coordination
  • Very tense muscles that do not move or contract easily.

Unfortunately, there is no cure for cerebral palsy and it will affect your baby’s life forever. If your baby has suffered from cerebral palsy due to the negligence of a doctor, you have a medical malpractice case.

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