How to help an anxious dog cope with visits

An unexpected visitor can be a great source of anxiety for dogs, so having a well thought out plan of action is essential to help your dog cope and allow him to enjoy his visitors.

You may already know what kinds of people trigger your dog’s anxiety. Dogs may be anxious around specific groups of people, such as children or men, or they may have a general fear of all strangers. Being aware of what triggers your dog’s anxiety will make it easier for you to know when to act, so take note of when they get anxious and look for patterns.

What are dog anxiety symptoms to watch out for?

An anxious dog may react to a visitor by being shy or frightened, for example by staying close to you or standing behind you. They can also hide under furniture or even hide.

At the other end of the scale, an anxious dog may react to visitors with nervous aggression and bark loudly or even try to snap or snap at them, so be aware of what symptoms of canine anxiety your dog is likely to display.

Create an action plan to help your anxious dog

While having visitors can be tough on your dog, it’s not possible to keep everyone away from your front door, and life would be a bit boring if you had to.

If you know that visitors are coming, prepare ahead of time, as not having to rush at the last minute will keep things calm and prevent your dog from becoming anxious even before the visitors arrive.

It may be sensible to put your dog in a separate room during the visit, so make sure he’s comfortable and has bedding, access to water, and maybe a favorite indestructible chew toy. Using a dog crate can also help give your dog a sense of security.

Keep a calm and positive attitude with your dog when you put him in the room so he doesn’t feel like he’s done something wrong.

If visitors arrive unexpectedly, have a room you can get into quickly and when you’ve let them in, ask them to give you a few minutes to tidy up your dog to make them comfortable.

Dealing with dog anxiety during the visit

It’s best to ignore your dog if he starts whining or barking because he’s in a different room than you, because moving closer to him every time he makes a noise will only encourage him to do so more. They should settle down after a while and it is much better to check on them when they are quiet.

It’s important that you don’t yell at your dog or get mad at him if he barks or starts whining, as this will only increase his anxiety.

If you want to bring your dog into the same room as your visitors, wait until they calm down and then bring them on a leash so you can maintain control of the situation.

To make sure it’s a positive experience for your dog that encourages him to become more confident, enlist the help of your visitors. Ask them not to look your dog directly in the eye, as this will come across as a challenge. It can also help if your visitors know not to make sudden movements or loud noises.

Providing treats to your visitors can also be very positive, but don’t expect your dog to take the treats directly from your hand, as he may not be brave enough to do so. Instead, they could drop the treat near their dog and let the dog make the first move.

get rid of anxiety in dogs

By slowly introducing your dog to visitors and always making it a positive experience, your dog should gradually gain more confidence.

It is important that you are very patient and let them progress at their own pace. Watch your dog carefully so that you can remove him from a situation as soon as she sees him start to act anxious and eventually you will be able to get rid of dog anxiety altogether.

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