Indium – New mineral discovery of the 21st century

Indium is the most recent mineral discovery of the 21st century. It increases the amount of minerals a gland can absorb and is a nutritional advance in glandular performance. Indium is mineral #49 on the periodic table of 100 elements, and is considered the “missing link, unifying and catalyzing the two largest usable mineral groups in the human body, correcting multiple mineral deficiencies.

Dr. Henry Alfred Schroeder, MD, a toxicologist, reported that indium improved mineral absorption from 60% to 694%. In fact, he deduced that mineral levels in the major human organs are proportional and dependent on the rare and difficult to absorb trace mineral Indium. This study was continued by inventor/discoverer George AH ​​Bonadio, a respected businessman and professor of health in New York State, who later patented indium in the absorbable form Indiumease. Bonadio discovered that indium was not only “anti-cancerous” as Schroeder had supposed, but also showed that indium caused 26% fewer cancers and 42% fewer malignant tumors in mice over the 500 days of the mice’s lives , and that mice had survived on average 7% longer than controls. He found that INDIUM had as yet unidentified anticancer and anticancer function and anti-aging factor.

From Schroeder’s mineral absorption figures, Bonadio theorized that indium might also enhance mineral absorption in the large intestine, which translates to INDIUM, allowing for greater absorption and function of glandular minerals required by the DNA. During 25 years of research and study, Bonadio isolated indium sulfate as the best non-toxic form of indium.

Bonadio reports that indium supplementation reduced Alzheimer’s tremors (30%-80% in 10 days). He stated that Indian normalizes the pituitary-hypothalamus master glands that regulate all endocrine gland systems in the body, balancing dozens of hormones, human growth hormone, DHEA and many steroids. In fact, the cancer-preventive effects of Indium may be much greater than Schroeder first thought.

The first effect reported by people who take indium supplements is better sleep and recovery, better attitude, vision, hearing, and mobility. Food is better absorbed, mineral reserves are built up, fitness improves and the body/mind/spirit is in high performance. The good feeling that people experience dispels anxiety and depression, as well as improving well-being and self-confidence, characterized by progressively better thinking, seeing, hearing and moving.

The Indian improved Parkinson’s speech and motor skills (30%) over controls, improving memory and endurance. Indium has been reported to eliminate dandruff, improve hair growth and gradually reduce gray hair.

Indium can improve visual acuity and decrease eyeball pressure in glaucoma. It is reported to improve fine circulation, blood viscosity, plaque and cholesterol in the arterial wall deposits, varicose veins slowly recover normal skin texture.

Indian is reported to help libido and sex life in both genders and define gender dominance.

It can regulate the menstrual cycle and can relieve menopausal hot flashes and night sweats.

Dr. Lyons reported that indium supplementation caused fewer thymus cancers, cancer metastases, and bone cancers. Indium also reduced terminal cancer pain and reduced painkillers needed.

Because indium is a systemic gland rebuilder and hormone enhancer, it restores thyroid and liver hormones, improves calorie metabolism, decreases fat stores, and creates leaner muscle mass.

By raising the overall level of body/mind/spirit/energy, Indium indirectly stimulates activity and exercise, which helps improve circulation and oxygenation, promotes calorie burning and muscle tone, detoxification, general physical fitness, an active lifestyle, a positive mental attitude, and a progressive outlook.

Nutritionists know that chromium improves the pancreatic hormone insulin that regulates energy and the storage of protein and carbohydrates for building muscles, removing blood sugar and fats from the arteries. INDIUM increases chromium output by 333% in various endocrine glands, better anticipating “Glucose Tolerance Factor” insulin which reduces high blood sugar, hypoglycemia and decreases insulin dependency injections in adult type 2 diabetes (80%-100% in 1-3 weeks)

Bonadio stated that within twenty years indium will be declared the critical “essential for health” missing link and supplements will be required to prevent certain problems such as blindness from glaucoma, heart attacks, strokes, type 2 diabetes, and will be required for athletes break world records for power, speed and endurance.

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