Living Life in the Divine Flow

How would you like every moment of every day to feel like one miracle after another? How would you like to achieve your goals and realize your dreams without undue struggle or stress?

C’est possible. It’s called living life in the divine flow.

Whether you are aware of it or not, there is a divine flow in your life that is continually guiding you toward the effortless fulfillment of your heart’s desires. The trick is learning to recognize and cooperate with that flow, instead of blocking or restricting your experience of it.

Fortunately, that’s not a very difficult thing to learn to do. In fact, there are two fundamental steps you can take right now to start living life in the divine flow.

The first step is simply paying attention. The divine flow is continuously guiding you towards the effortless fulfillment of your heart’s desires. . . continually! But to take advantage of that guidance, you need to be aware of the subtle ways the flow tries to guide you.

Here are three ways you receive guidance from the divine flow:

First, you continually receive instructions from your own intuition. Your intuition is the most valuable and reliable source of guidance you have. It is the spirit of the divine within you. It is the spirit of the divine that it is you! Your divine spirit always knows what is the right next step to take. And he is continually trying to tell you what that step is. So take the time to slow down, be quiet, and listen to that still, small voice. honor it. Respect it. Follow it.

A second form of guidance comes to you through the wisdom of others. The divine flow often speaks to you through people who cross your path. it’s through his Wisdom, your intuitive guide, often leading you to the right next step. That doesn’t mean you have to accept and act on everything others tell you. But you should at least be open and receptive to others, and be willing to consider what they have to say.

A third way the divine flow communicates with you is through signs, coincidences, and synchronicities. These occurrences are not mere chance or chance. They are significant. They are divinely designed to open doors and create opportunities for you in direct response to your desire. But you have to pay attention to those signs and synchronicities. And you have to act accordingly. You have to go through those doors and take advantage of those opportunities.

Which brings us to the second step in living life in the divine flow: you must let go of what you think you know. The divine flow often guides you toward your good in a way that is much different, and much better, than anything you can think of on your own. But to take advantage of that guidance, you have to be careful not to hastily discard or invalidate it because “you know better.”

That doesn’t mean you have to forget everything you’ve been taught, or ignore the conclusions you’ve drawn based on your experience. It simply means that you must keep an open mind and realize that there is always more to know than you currently know. No matter how sure you are of something, if you are willing to admit that there might still be something you just haven’t considered, it will leave an opening in your mind that is wide enough for divine direction to pass through.

So there you have it. Let go of what you think you know. And pay attention to the flow. Stop trying to force things to go the way you think they should, and be willing to move in a different direction than you planned or expected.

Do those two things and you will begin to live a life that is dramatically more fulfilling, immensely more joyful, and on top of all, remarkably effortless!

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