Pregnancy 101: 3 important things to do before the baby is born

Pregnancy may seem like the longest time of your life, but before you know it, you’ll be in labor! In addition to preparing your home to welcome the newest addition to your family, there are other important things to focus on while you can. Give yourself, your partner, other children (if you have them) and even your friends or beloved pets time!

Try to do these 3 important things before your baby arrives!

Pack your bags for the hospital

Experts recommend that moms-to-be pack their hospital bags starting at 7 months. A bag for you, one for the baby and a small one for dad! There are many lists you can find online of what to put in your bags. For you, some sets of clothes and some entertainment for your hospital stay are a must. For the baby, you’ll need diapers, bottles and formula (if you’re not breastfeeding) and even clothes to go home with, among other things!

Plan a family date

If you have other children, it’s crucial that they feel that even when their new sibling arrives, they are as loved and important as ever. A good thing to do is go on a family date to just talk and spend quality time together. It could be a picnic in a nearby park or dinner at your favorite restaurant. At home, try to spend as much time as possible with your children before you explode. A movie night or working on an arts and crafts project together will be so much fun! If you have pets, spend time with them too!

make dad feel special

Many dads feel a bit left out during pregnancy and childbirth, since the mother receives the attention and pampering. Dads get tired too, and more often than not, they’re just as anxious and excited about the arrival of their baby as you are. Before the baby is born, show Dad how much you appreciate her as she has taken care of the house and done the “heavy stuff” while she is pregnant. A little act of sweetness can go a long way: take him out to dinner with just the two of you, buy that thing at the mall you’ve been eyeing for a while, or hire a babysitter so you can have a night out with the kids.

It is important to focus on yourself and your family, in addition to preparations before you are born. Follow these important things to do before the baby is born!

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