Sex after 60: some tips and thoughts to enjoy sex in older people

Aging does not necessarily mean that there is a decline in the appearance or sex of the elderly. In fact, advancing age can provide freedom to explore and experience sexual pleasures.

Advancing in age provides freedom to explore and enjoy our sexuality. Just because you’ve reached the so-called “golden” age doesn’t mean you’re hunkering down in a retirement home waiting for the end of the line. In fact, getting older can give you the luxury of passionate intimate relationships.

Sex after 60 is not a fantasy or an unattainable dream. Yes, you may have lines and wrinkles, deflated muscles, and skin that appears one size too large for your body. And that? Beauty is not something that only other people forty years younger than you enjoy. Your beauty and self-expression have been developed and honed by the not-so-perfect reflection staring back at you in the mirror.

Some tips and tidbits

1. Never, ever rise above your lover and look him in the eye! When we were young, the skin on our faces enhanced our beauty without betrayal. But, now the skin can sag and hang loose when we bend over. If you want to see what I mean, lean over and look down into a mirror! No further explanation or description is needed on this!

2. Lie on your back as much as possible. This position helps camouflage deflated buttocks, sagging breasts, sagging arms, and sagging facial skin.

3. Candlelight or diffused lighting is a girl’s best friend! Afternoon sex is lovely, but the harsh daylight exploits flaws, wrinkles and extra pounds! Strive for a dark room or be safe and enjoy sexual intimacy once the sun has gone down.

4. Lubricants may be a necessity, but they are not required visual items. If you need extra moisturizing, you can apply them before or during foreplay, but try anointing your genitals sensually, like inviting your partner to watch some self-arousal techniques.

5. The sexual organs are not the only component of the human anatomy that is involved with the greater sex. Fantasies can add new dimensions to intimate experiences. Vocalizing and acting out fantasies with your partner can stimulate sexual urges and make you think. If you want to expose specific fantasies, costumes are available. But talk about the make-believe game with your partner before you surprise him. Make sure he is open to fantasy play. Remember, sexual fantasies should not cause your partner anger, jealousy, or pain. Fantasies should be enjoyable and enhance sexual intimacy.


6. Never, ever walk around in those baggy, ripped, or yellow boxers or briefs (this can ruin a perfectly good sexual experience)! Boxers and briefs can be sexy and attractive IF they have the perfect fit and length. Buy briefs that are mid-thigh length and fit well over your penis. You don’t want it to look like you’re about to burst the fabric, but you also don’t want your boxers to look like they’re about to fall off at any moment. There are some sexy body suits available (similar to a weight lifter’s clothing). There are racer back tanks and of course if you still have tight abs and glutes then by all means throw on a thong!

7. Don’t overlook the magic of silk for men. A silk kimono is touchable and has a cozy feel. The kimono can hide flat chest muscles, a bulging stomach, or saggy buns.

8. De-emphasize thinning or balding with sexy, tasteful clothing. Senior sex might not be about receding hairlines, but adding a little flair can only make the moment better.

9. If male enhancement pills are necessary, don’t advertise that you must take a pill to get an erection. Be discreet, there is no need to express performance problems during intimacy.

10. If you like sex toys, be sure to discuss it with your partner before showing off dildos, vibrators, or strap-ons. Honesty, expectations and personal desires are a two-way street!

11. Fantasies can add to the sexual experience. In Paragraph 5, of the checkers section, some reasons to explore fantasy and role playing are explained. But never insist that your partner participate in your fantasies, or require them to wear costumes or participate in role-playing games. Fantasies are not real and should not cause your partner distress, inhibitions, or pain. In other words, an older person’s sexual fantasies should be an exciting and fun-filled imaginary journey.

12. If using lubricants or stimulating creams and oils, invite your partner to apply them to your penis. Of course, this is not necessary, but the interaction can improve the experience and sexual desire.

Spontaneity is a wonderful tool for older people. But, planning can be advantageous for many who require time for drugs to show efficacy, ie Viagra. Sex toys can play an important role because, unlike the manhood of the young, the stamina and boner of the elderly tend to disappoint or disappear almost as quickly as they arrived. Sex toys, lotions and lubricants can now be considered essential in senior sex in the face of absurdity.

Yes, sex after 60 is different in many ways. The female body is not the taut, perky physique you’ve (most likely) taken for granted. The male body may no longer be endowed with a masculine chest, a full head of hair, a tight firm stomach, muscular arms and legs. Perhaps the pecs sag and appear feminine. The female breasts, most likely, show more drooping and less attractive. Buttocks may no longer be tight and firm, faces are cursed with double chins and less than full lips, and skin that refuses to conform well to the body. But the reward of intimate contact and senior sex is still alive and enjoyable.

Accepting who we are, what we have and loving ourselves is the final destination. Once we debunk peer pressure, dismiss youth-oriented ad campaigns, and see the beauty within ourselves, we begin to live.

Older people still have and share many intimate thoughts and desires. Unfortunately, many hide their feelings and continue on a lonely journey. It’s okay, you’ve reached the age of 60. You have not been cursed, you have been hurt and you have gained much knowledge along the way on life’s journey. Now, relax and enjoy the rest of the trip.

Above all, show respect and consideration for your partner, and the enjoyment and euphoria of the older adult sexual experience can be as explosive as ever.

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