The Fang and Primal Fear Mouth Guard

Have you ever been assaulted by something scary with big, sharp teeth? Sports psychologists speculate that fear can destroy the opponent’s will in athletic competition. Imagine looking across the ring to see a fighter with the appearance of fangs. Would his will to compete with him be affected? Now this terrifying image is possible with the Fang mouth guard instead of the other bland sports mouth guards. Is there a primal fear of fangs?

primitive fear

In the animal world, aggression and the fighting instinct are manifested by exposing the teeth to the adversary or the prey. We have all been exposed to the feeling of intimidation and fear when we see large and sharp teeth exposed. Movies often use images to awaken our senses. In the movie Jaws, remember the feeling in the pit of your stomach when you saw “Jaws”‘s dark mouth full of ravenous, jagged teeth before attacking the helpless swimmer? Industrial stainless steel teeth also created a terrifying image in the James Bond movies The Spy Who Loved Me and Moonraker, as this “Jaws character” chewed through any material and also killed its victims by biting into their jugular vein. In the darkest night consider the vision of the Vampire who drains your blood to feed after his fangs pierce the neck of his victim. The sudden appearance of the Wierwolf’s exposed cunning also creates disturbing images. Of course, there are more images of fangs, such as dogs, snakes and spiders with fangs that can cause us serious harm. This is the realm of mouth guard fangs.


If there is a primal fear of fangs, then a fang mouthguard with terrifying sharp teeth could give an athlete the extra confidence and power to terrify their opponents. Maybe there could be a mental advantage to a fanged mouthguard. For the athlete who needs to be meaner and truly someone to fear, the intimidation of the fanged mouth guard can be the difference between winning and losing. Show your opponent this cool display of power and aggression and let them know right away that you are someone to fear. Science has yet to prove that a fanged mouthguard actually strikes fear in opponents, but it intuitively makes sense that there could be a competitive advantage when you look terrifying.

Athletes wearing the Fang mouth guard

So who’s wearing these fanged mouth guards? You might be surprised to learn that Miami Heat superstar Lebron James wore his specially designed fang mouth guard to grace her already imposing presence during the 2010-2011 season. The vampire fang mouthpiece is extremely popular with mixed martial arts (MMA) athletes. While watching a UFC event, you’ll likely see fighters wearing custom mouth guards, many with fangs, as they try to intimidate their opponents. Some of the popular professional MMA fighters who wear fanged mouthguards include Dan “The Outlaw” Hardy and Andrei “The Pitbull” Arlovski. Not only is the design cool, but the fanged mouth guard makes it look like you have sharp teeth capable of terrifying your opponent. In the animal world, the attack mode is shown by showing teeth with a growl, something natural in MMA fighters. Now in high demand, these protective fang mouthpieces are steadily increasing in popularity.

Your Fang Mouthguard Options

  • Your Tusk mouthguard, custom-made in a dentist-supervised laboratory, will most likely give you the best in fit, comfort, and protection.
  • Many athletes choose to leave their own impression and have a dental lab make their custom Fang mouth guard. This saves the time and cost of a visit to the dentist and you still get a custom lab mouthpiece.
  • Another less expensive option is the entry level boil and bite option such as the Title Fang Polyshock. For this mouthguard, the user heats the Fang mouthguard in hot water and molds the mouthpiece to fit.

Full contact sports like soccer, hockey, and rugby are the natural fit for these intimidating mouthguards. So expect to see more primal fear as the Fang Mouthguard shows up across sports.

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