The history of numerology

Numerology is considered one of the first forms of metaphysical reading and communication. In the early days, people used numbers, marks, and writing methods to intercommunicate, trade, and exchange their ideas. It dates back to 4004 BC. C.: It is recognized that Egypt and Babylon recorded the oldest history of numerology. There is evidence of numerology thousands of years ago in India, China, Italy, Greece, and Japan.

There are different systems of numerology such as Pythagorean and Chaldean. My preference is Pythagoras, however I think all methods have a place.

The philosopher Pythagoras was born in Greece around 590 BC. C. and was one of the best of his time. He was an important figure in the development of mathematics. When Pythagoras was around 50 years old, he established a school that was a kind of secret society in Cortona, Italy. The society was called the semicircle and there he taught Mathematics, Astronomy and Music, which was open to both men and women.

Pythagoras felt that the entire universe could be expressed through numbers and created a system, which was expanded upon by other Greek philosophers. Although Pythagoras did not invent numerology, his theories took it to a new level, which is why he is often credited with being the father of numerology. Pythagoras lived to be a hundred years old. He died when his school was attacked and burned to the ground; most of his teachings were written after his death.

There is a big gap between the years of Pythagoras and the beginning of the 20th century, when some mystical authors began to write about the art of interpreting numbers. When Dr. Julia Stenton (born 1862) added her knowledge to the art, she attributed the name “numerology” to the performance practice. Its popularity did not return until L. Dow Balliett published a series of books on the art of reading numbers between 1911 and 1917. In the 1930s, Florence Campbell, another mystic, added to the writing on numerology.

As we enter the age of 2 from the year 2000, knowledge, acceptance and intuition increase. 2 is a peaceful number and on the positive side it represents love, harmony, partnerships and intuition. The 0 in numerology is also a metaphysical intuitive number, so acceptance is growing particularly with the number of magazines, TV and radio shows in this area. Interestingly, America’s first Black President Barrack Obama, born August 4, 1961, has a life path number master vibration of 11/2, he is here to help bring peace to the world and his presidency will be produced in the 2000s.

While many people dismiss numerology as a pseudoscience, it was taught and studied by some of the most respected mathematicians throughout history.

Try a numerology class or workshop and learn how this ancient science can help you.

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