10 steps to coping with the loss of your pet

Sometimes special animals come into our lives and touch our hearts in a way that leaves us forever changed. One chapter ends when the familiar road they traveled together comes to a steep y. You are in uncharted territory without a map. Lost. The world as you know it may seem totally different. Not everyone realizes that the bond between […]

How Dog Ownership Has Changed Over 80 Years

An online search for comments and opinions states that having a dog in 1960 was very different than it is today. A quarter of the dogs at that time were random strays, owned or not. The rules of ownership were much less defined. Even though there were commercial dog food available and a Milk Bone treat company, the dog food […]

Photography and Happy Paws

Setting Obviously, there are two places where you can do the photoshoot: indoors or outdoors. Whichever you choose, you must take into account the lighting, the weather, and the mood of your pet. Consider your pet’s preferences when choosing the environment. You need your pet to be in a good mood. The perfect day Pythagoras says, “Animals share with us […]

How to spot a pedigree labrador retriever

When it comes to spotting a pedigree lab, it can be difficult as you can’t tell just by looking. A dog’s pedigree is a list of its ancestors. A pedigree dog simply means a purebred dog. If you discover that a laboratory has the presence of a pedigree, that does not necessarily indicate that the laboratory is of exceptional quality. […]

A Esthetician’s Guide to Boosting Client Retention

As an esthetician, his clientele included 100% of his income. You survive only on appointments and product sales. So, in addition to your vast and thorough knowledge of skincare, product ingredients, application techniques, and a million other things, your business acumen should be in tip-top shape! When it comes to service-based businesses, customer retention is the name of the game. […]

Description, history and personality traits of the Chihuahua dog breed

Description: Unlike other breeds, the Chihuahua breed can vary in height and are measured more by their weight. American and British standards state that this breed should not weigh more than six pounds, but British standards recommend between two and four pounds. This breed can grow up to 15 inches, this being the exception rather than the rule. This breed […]