home improvement projects for spring

Spring is here and it’s time to embark on a renovation project. Home prices are down and durable goods prices are up, the economy is slowing down and you need every angle you can get to make your project a success, while staying within budget. So be sure to look at all angles when you tackle that renovation project; I […]

A small group of renters may be doubling their multi-family utility costs

Find out what you can do about it When utilities are included in the rent of an apartment complex, some tenants are naturally going to consume more than others. High utility users, even if they represent a small group of tenants, can substantially increase costs. Since these cost increases are effectively hidden in rent, residents who use utilities responsibly subsidize […]

Why use Self-Storage?

Storage is not a new concept. People have been storing little treasures and precious trinkets ever since early man decided to hide his collection of saber-toothed tiger necklaces under his mammoth-skin rug so his wife wouldn’t force him to throw them away. Our storage methods have become more sophisticated over the years, but for many the principle remains the same. […]

How to be a short sale superhero

Yes, you can be a hero and have the best year of your life “One in 10 homeowners is not paying their mortgage.” “One in six homeowners has a reverse mortgage.” “Seven out of 10 homeowners who lose their home to foreclosure did not contact a real estate agent or lender prior to foreclosure.” These are just some of the […]

Commercial Property Condition Assessment (PCA)

The purpose of all Commercial Property Condition Assessments (PCA), ASTM Standard E2018, is to make sure that the property and building you think you are buying or renting is actually the property that is received. You will have reached that decision, in part, based on information obtained through a professional inspection and a Property Condition Report (PCR). Every real estate […]