The best phones to buy in 2017

2017 is expected to be the year of the most surprising surprises in the smartphone segment. There is always something waiting behind the scenes as the evolution of smartphones accelerates. As soon as you decide to buy a new phone, there is another anticipation of a new mobile phone, with more advanced features ready for launch. We’ve rounded up some […]

How WhatsApp Marketing Can Boost Your Sales

Any of the companies gives high priority to the sales department. Absolutely, since the sales department brings the real income to your company. The sales department uses various techniques to increase sales. With the advent of technology, the sales department is using technology a lot to increase sales. WhatsApp Marketing is one of those technologies that companies use to boost […]

Apple’s new iPad promises to be a learning experience

Apple has launched its new 9.7-inch iPad. Strongly focused on the educational market, the recently updated device is now available in Apple stores and shipped to schools. Priced at $ 299 for students and $ 329 for consumers, Apple is trying to supplant the Google-powered Chromebooks that many teachers use. According to research by FutureSource Consulting, sales in the K-12 […]

Online streaming options for misinformed people

Be kind. Rewind! It’s such an archaic and foreign phrase in today’s world of Blu-ray, Video on Demand, and online streaming that it makes no sense to most of this generation. Let’s think about how well known that phrase used to be if you were around to experience the awkward rectangle that a VHS tape is. Their entertainment was based […]

An early look at Google Pixel 2

The Google Pixel created quite a stir when it launched in 2016. The phone was heavily promoted and made famous with an advanced camera. Sales have been flat, but they haven’t posed a real threat to industry titans like Apple’s iPhone and Samsung Galaxy. Some believe that the Pixel sales failed to challenge the bigger gamers due to a design […]

Dismantling common myths about virtual reality

By using virtual reality, people have the option of looking around and interacting with their environment, which is made up of realistic sounds, images, and various sensations that can simulate the presence of a person in an imaginary or virtual environment. Virtual reality can be used in a variety of different industries, including marketing, gaming, entertainment, engineering, education, fashion, art, […]