Ford Mustang: Third-Party Variants

The Ford Mustang has been one of the most famous American vehicles of all time. Production of the Mustang began in Dearborn, Michigan in March 1964 and was unveiled to the public on April 17, 1964. Since then there have been numerous concept cars, special editions, and modified Mustangs that have been put into production. Ford and several other companies […]

How to Play Casino Online for Free to Win Real Money

Casino Online With the advent of the internet, the whole world has become a global village and everyone is trying to find the best online casinos to play casino games at. The internet offers the best opportunity to play casino online than in land-based casinos. Most of the land-based casinos have been increasing the jackpot sizes year after year and […]

CEO Assessment: 10 Tips for Process and Content

The organization’s Board of Directors is responsible for evaluating the performance of the CEO. Boards of directors that don’t take this role seriously are making a big mistake. Skipping performance reviews tells the CEO that he / she is not valued enough to justify such investment of time, energy, and effort on the part of their supervisors. This is a […]

Acid Reflux in Children: Know the Symptoms

At first I thought it was the flu. My seven year old son started vomiting in the middle of the night. He complained of stomach pain and vomited several times within a few hours. However, he did not have a fever and was fine when he had to go to school. I convinced myself that it must have been something […]

Starcraft 2 Strategy: Using Zerg Creeps

For zerg players, it’s a sad fact that creeps are one of the most underrated parts of the game. Inexperienced zerg players overlook chills as they focus too much attention on direct combat. In the higher level Diamond Stairs, creeps are often used due to the huge strategic benefits they provide to the Zerg player. First, Zerg units gain a […]

Free Classic Movies: Nosferatu and the Golem

[N.B.: All of the following movies are public domain movies – available online and free to watch.] Nosferatu (1922) Nosferatu, a silent masterpiece, is considered one of the best horror films ever made. The eerie silence and great symphonic music give the film a gothic atmosphere. Its look, style, and direction combined make it a must-see for all horror fans. […]

The inconsistencies of professional athletes

Professionalism is the competence or skill expected of a professional. A professional is a person who engages in a specific activity as the main paid occupation. An athlete is or should be proficient in sports and other forms of physical activity. So at the end of the day, professional athletes get paid to play and are expected to do so […]

Misunderstandings about how orgasm is achieved

Our portrayal of sex is evidently suited to those seeking the emotional security that they can easily please a lover. Women enjoy hearing claims about orgasms that make them more attractive to men. The only reason men care about female orgasm is because they attribute a woman’s orgasm to their own sexual prowess during intercourse. Although most women refuse to […]

Ways to save money buying an REO property

REO property refers to real estate seized by banks. REO is the acronym for real estate; which means that the bank has the title to the property. Bank-owned real estate includes all types of property, including residential homes, vacant lots, and commercial buildings. When a person buys REO property from banks, they go through the same procedure as if they […]