Rayman Legends

Platformer refers to a game whose play is mainly carried out in the form of navigating levels and overcoming obstacles, such as moving platforms, running, jumping or using any other physical ability available to the player. The genre is quite flexible. Platforms can be 2D or 3D, they can be easily accessible like the Mario franchise or tough like tricky […]

Send your enemies to hell and make them look ahead in Diablo 2 with Nature’s Peace

Nature’s Peace is a unique ring that has a unique ability. Nature’s Peace is only available to Ladder characters. The statistics: Level requirement: 69 Monsters slain Rest in peace Avoid monster healing Poison Resistance + 20-30% (varies) Damage reduced by 7-11 (varies) Level 5 Oak Sage (27 charges) Monsters slain Rest in peace This is Nature’s Peace’s unique and defining […]

Old horror movies

There are no people on planet Earth who don’t like movies. Everybody loves movies. There are many different movie genres. Someone likes comedies and melodramas, someone likes adventure and detectives, someone likes historical stories and thrillers, etc. It is not a complete list of movie genres. There are a lot of people who love horror movies. There is a huge […]

Introduction to mobile phones

A mobile phone is an electronic communication device. It is often called a cell phone. The transmission of radio waves or satellite is the means through which the mobile phone connects to a wireless network. In addition to being a phone, mobile phones provide various services such as short message service (SMS), multiple message service, games, Bluetooth, cameras, MP3 player, […]

Should I buy a desktop or laptop?

A common question people have these days is whether they should buy the very common desktop computer, or if they should go for laptop portability. The answer to that question largely depends on who is in the computer market. The questions to ask yourself before choosing are … What are you going to use the computer for? How often do […]

Life Lessons You Can Learn From Horror Movies

Whether it’s Halloween or not, you will find that there are some movies that stick with you long after you first see them. It’s these iconic performances, stories, and creepy villains that haunt a lot of people at night. Although movies are intended as entertainment, they can be beneficial for a number of reasons. In addition to scaring people, they […]

Advance Directive Warning

Approx. 1:30 a.m. on Saturday, December 18, 2010 “I think I need help!” Mom is standing outside my bedroom door, panting and writhing in pain. He says he waited an hour before waking me up. (Backstory: When I arrived last night, Mom told me that she sometimes feels “uncomfortable” at night. Knowing that she had suffered a serious heart attack […]