Shea butter for your cat

If one of your family members is a little four-legged man who says “meow,” you may have noticed that his skin may appear irritated from time to time. If your cat has itchy problems, or if you notice that her skin is flaky and dry, she may have sensitive skin. Cats can have sensitive skin just like people, although we […]

Can crabs live together in the same tank?

If you are wondering, “can crabs live together?” Well the answer is going to be a big fat man, “it depends.” There are many factors that come into play with the crayfish as a pet. Believe me, I have had several crawfish in recent years. I have had two electric blue crayfish and one albino crayfish that could probably have […]

Kennel Shy – Behaviors, Origins, and Tips to Help Your Dog Get Over It

Puppies and dogs must be confident, playful, and confident. Unfortunately, many suffer from a syndrome known as “kennel shyness” or as some vets now call it, kennelosis. These animals are usually the ones found in shelters, pet stores, and hideous puppy mills. Unfortunately, they acquire peculiar behaviors and irrational fears during their confinement, mainly due to the lack of socialization […]

How to stop beagles from biting humans

Are you having trouble biting with your Beagle? Read on for tips on managing bites in Beagles of different ages. People would definitely like to have an energetic yet obedient Beagle as a pet. However, they often face a situation where the dog attacks a human being. They then decide to learn how to prevent beagles from biting. A dog […]

Save a life through German Shepherd rescue

German Shepherd rescue organizations are an important alternative to the kennel for owners of purebred German Shepherd dogs who, for whatever reason, must give up their dogs. They may have welcomed their German Shepherds with good intentions, but life brings change and many purebred German Shepherd dogs end up homeless due to deaths, marriages, moves, or children. Since the German […]

How to choose the perfect Ragdoll kitten for you

Pet owners agree that caring for an animal is quite a challenging task. You never realize this until you have experienced having a pet. Like raising a child, you have to be responsible, loving, and firm. When looking for the ideal Ragdoll kitten to become your pet for life, there are a few things to consider. Here are 3 factors […]

Breaking Into Copywriting: Tips For College Students

So, do you want to be a freelance copywriter? All right, boy. Roll up your sleeves, fire up that pot of Joe, and warm those fingers up. Let’s start writing. Oh, before I say more, here’s my best advice for those thinking of freelancing fresh out of college: don’t do it. Becoming a successful copywriter takes years of perseverance and […]

How to deal with rats

Rats have existed with mankind since the beginning of time. We are told that no one is further from a rat than two meters at any given time. I don’t think that’s necessarily true, however there are a lot of rats out there. There are apparently 60 species of rats in the world. The smallest is about four inches long […]