Taxi Driver Jobs in New York

Taxi driver jobs in New York City have been around for about eighty years using the famous yellow cab. If you are interested in taxi employment and earn money with one of the taxi driver jobs, there are several issues that need to be considered. There are few icons in the world that are as recognizable as New York City’s […]

Sign a lease on your apartment

Understanding and fully reading your apartment rental agreement is important. There is legal facility and there is direct language. Here are some things to consider before you lease your new apartment: o Check when rent is due. o Find out where to go to pay your rent, who to give it to, or where it should be sent. o What […]

Real Estate Investing and Property Management in West Chester PA

Residential Property Management in West Chester, PA involves serving two different rental communities. The first community includes students attending West Chester University. As certain geographic areas of West Chester do not allow student rentals, it is very important that you make sure in which part of the city your investment property is located. Student accommodation takes a lot of time […]

Investing in stocks – Don’t be rhinophobic

Rhinophobia is the disease of investors: the fear of holding cash. The rhinophobic feels that all his “stock money” must be fully invested at all times. Let’s say you’re an individual investor and you’ve decided on an asset allocation of 60% stocks and 40% bonds. So if your total investable money is $100,000, then $60,000 is your “money in stock.” […]

The main mortgage acronyms explained

It is not that difficult to obtain a home loan, despite the common misconception. One of the reasons homebuyers find these loans complex is the presence of many mortgage acronyms. Discover the meaning of the principals so that you can be better prepared when you go shopping and when you are making an application. FHA This mortgage acronym stands for […]