Should college athletes be paid?

College sports generate great income each year at the core college level. These programs bring $ 30 and sometimes $ 40 million per year to universities and colleges and players get nothing. These are the same players who are breaking their backs for college day after day and they can’t get a piece of that money and to me that […]

High School Relationship Tips

Middle school for most students is the period when students go from being children to being adults. This is the time when your body changes physically and the people around you start communicating with them in a different way. If high school students do not have adequate knowledge about their situation and are not prepared to deal with it, this […]

Pros and cons of raising a puppy or dog

If you knew more about what raising a puppy or dog entails and the benefits it brings, would that be something you would consider? The primary goal of parenting is to temporarily house and prepare a puppy or dog for adoption. Like everything in life, there are pros and cons. Decisions must be made before committing to raising an animal. […]

Barbados Real Estate – Luxury condos in Barbados, the best option

Barbados Real Estate is in high demand because Barbados has earned a reputation for being an attractive place to live and work. The country has a vibrant economy in a very stable political environment with excellent infrastructure and modern services available throughout the island. It’s no wonder that some of the richest families in the world have built elegant mansions […]

Anime that shook the world

Anime and Manga humbly started out as a Japanese imitation of the American comic strips, thus becoming the books we know as Manga. Soon enough, technology evolved, anime followed, evolving from short graphic novels to serialized TV shows, movies, games, and music. As anime became popular in the rest of the world, people began to notice a little more about […]

No more excuses for Lebron James

For the second year in a row, LeBron James faced minimal scrutiny for his inability to secure a championship. Rather, he has been praised for exceeding expectations and taking his team as far as possible. Most of this accolade appears to be earned, considering his deep numbers and lack of attendance from his teammates. According to ESPNIn the 2015 Finals, […]

Amazon web services allow lower startup costs

When starting a new online service, businesses can find many benefits from using some of Amazon’s AWS platforms. As an experienced developer, I have used several of these services and can recommend them to others starting online services or dynamic websites. Amazon Web Services (AWS) began in 2002, leveraging the infrastructure already in place by one of the largest electronic […]

How to Identify Ancient Statues

Antiques represent the true art and history of a place. We have heard of vanished civilizations. However, its identity is preserved thanks to the antiques that we find today. That is why antiques are priceless. An antique collector is probably interested in the history and ancient art of certain places. Antiques can come in different forms, such as antique sculptures, […]

2012 Chevrolet Volt 18 Month Review

I officially eclipsed over 18 months of ownership of a Chevrolet Volt. This marks two important milestones for me. First, this is one of the longest ownership periods for a car that didn’t perpetually break down in the garage. Second, I have driven over 25,000 miles in that time frame. I attribute these two milestones to the joy of buying […]