International prepaid calling cards: how to choose the right ones

The international prepaid calling card industry has always had a bad rap from the start. The reputation for lost minutes, bad cards and non-existent minutes were the main culprits that thousands of dissatisfied consumers gave up using calling cards forever. However, there are still plenty of reputable phone cards and companies available and here’s how you can find them. The […]

Are granite surfaces disappearing?

Kitchen countertops must be strong, heat resistant, and durable. Granite is a polished rock that is cut from a quarry and then transported and placed in your kitchen. There are several degrees and no two pieces are the same. Granite fans enjoy the beauty of the natural rock formations and the patterns that were formed during the heating and cooling […]

The truth about being a car salesman

There are always two sides to everything and being a car salesman is no different. Whether you are currently on the sales side of the car business or considering a career in car sales, you will benefit from this article. There are many people who view the car salesman in a less favorable light due to the media and antics […]

The freedom to be happily wrong

Losers are deeply unpopular today. You only need to spend 15 minutes in the schoolyard to find out that kids hate being called losers. That is the power of the world and a compelling social psychology, which greatly affects each person. No one likes to lose. Everyone wants to be successful, and while we are told that most successful people […]

What is your history as a financial advisor?

Remember Ben Franklin’s definition of insanity; “Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.” I take the liberty of changing the appointment to read; “Doing the same thing over and over with the same limiting beliefs, limiting unmet emotions and needs, and expecting a different result.” Your story was invented and imprinted on your mind […]

7 Reason for what causes a toddler to cry

There is no doubt that the constant crying of a young child can be annoying at times. There can be a number of reasons for this and sometimes it should be taken with caution. Young children who cry in most cases are normal, but emotions, environment or medication can trigger it. Most parents cannot say for sure why their toddler […]

Top 5 Reasons We Love Retro Games

# 5. Games were simpler in the past Video games have undoubtedly become more ambitious and impressive in recent years. When you look at characters like The Last Of Us, it’s impossible to overstate how far video games have come since people played Pong forty-odd years ago. But despite all the innovations within the medium, and all the new trendy […]

The Science of 16 Shringar

Since time immemorial, future Indian brides have been taught the importance of “Solar Srringaar”. The sixteen pieces of adornment are not only symbols of the bride’s marital status, but have deep-seated implications. Even Indian mythology has some interesting examples. Remember the episode of the epic Ramayana of the sage Valmiki when Anusuya gives her ornaments to Sita and tells her […]

Water or sports drinks for young footballers?

Sports drinks like Gatorade and others are flavored liquids fortified with electrolytes, potassium, and sodium, all of which the body loses during strenuous exercise. However, according to most experts, losing your body’s stores of these minerals is unlikely to be something to worry about, unless you are doing intense workouts of 3-5 hours or more. In long intensity activities of […]

Tragus and anti-tragus piercings

Tragus and anti-tragus piercings are becoming more and more popular; in fact, tragus piercings are now one of the most common ear piercings. Ear piercings are the most familiar form of body piercing and the tragus and anti-tragus are fresh expressions of worldly earlobe piercings. The tragus is a small, thick piece of cartilage that protrudes from the ear canal. […]