Investing in Apartment Buildings: Find Motivated Sellers

As the creator of the “Buy Your First Apartment Building Online Course”, I have many potential students and beginning investors ask me: “How do I find motivated apartment building sellers?” There are many ways investors use to find motivated sellers, however what I see happening a lot with beginners is that They start looking for properties to buy before they […]

Hotels must adapt to the next generation of guests

For years, the baby boom generation has dominated and dictated how hotels are behaved and marketed. But now, as more and more Generation Y and Generation X travel, hotels will need to become more responsive to their travel needs and habits. And with the emergence of social media as a major marketing platform, hotels will need to refocus their energies […]

4 killer kitchen remodel ideas

There are few things more fun and exciting for a homeowner than taking on a full-scale remodeling project. Kitchen remodel holds a special place in many people’s hearts, so read on for some great ideas on how you might want to design this crucial space in your home. Mine traditional cultural influences Several popular kitchen remodel trends of the past […]

Five leading causes of road accidents in Nigeria

Nigeria is the most populous black nation in Africa with an estimated population of 140 million people according to the last census conducted in 2007 by the National Population Commission. However, it is unfortunate to note that more than 2,000 people die from road accidents every month in all parts of the country. These deaths are due to several factors […]