A smart Twitter marketing move

know the trend

Take a moment and think about your Twitter marketing success. Are you going somewhere with your Twitter posts or are you posting on air without being noticed by Twitter users? It is now clear that the most Twitter users are active on Tuesdays, followed by Wednesdays and Fridays, with Mondays and Saturdays recording the least active Twitter days. Not to mention, most Twitter users log in immediately when they arrive at work, during their lunch hour, and at the end of work hours.

in the right moment

It is important for you to know that your Twitter audience is global. Therefore, before making your publications, plan well. First determine your target audience in terms of geographic location as time will vary from place to place. For example, if you post in Los Angeles at a certain time, your target audience might be in an area where the time is either ahead or behind your location, so plan well to reach your audience during their busiest days. and times.

To get the most out of Twitter marketing, find out the best time to grab the most attention, audience, and traffic. You can do a test by posting some high quality interesting and informative posts over a period of time, and reposting them on different days and at different times during the day, and using a URL system, follow the trends and find out what days and times . their links got the most clicks. You can repeat the same procedure using different content, about four times in, say, 18 hours, and always ask your readers for feedback and opinions. Don’t overdo it though, as this could turn off your readers.

It’s good to know what to market in your Twitter posts. To get the most out of Twitter marketing and drive traffic to your website, you need to know your product or service well, so you know what content to post. Provide valuable, quality and informative information that will create new traffic and keep existing ones. People want new and useful information, so update your content from time to time. Always read user comments and respond as they can be important in helping you know what your readers want. Learn Twitter communication skills to communicate effectively with your readers.


To get the most out of Twitter, socialize with the community at large and communicate tactfully while you’re at it. Since Twitter is a social community networking site, actively participate in conversations and socialize with other companies, as you may gain useful information that could be useful for your work. You can create your profile and add your image along with your company information so that people know you better and feel free with you. If you make people like you, they will like to know what you are writing about, and this can lead to sales.

As you follow these tips, keep in mind that over-marketing your product makes readers feel biased.

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