Are you ready to crash yet?

Are you in a hurry? Does your to-do list take up several pages? Do you feel like you’re losing yourself? While you look calm on the outside, do you feel exhausted on the inside?

More than ten years ago I was in a similar place. I was working full time at a demanding job, attending school for my teachers, raising two young children, and running a household. I had to pull over to the side of the road more than a few times just to take a nap, because I was so tired. One day, while preparing dinner, still in my business suit and heels, I felt my knees go weak; I was literally sinking into the ground. My husband told me to go to bed, so I did. The next morning I felt horrible, I couldn’t get up. My husband asked me to stay home, he knew it was the right decision. He took the kids to daycare and I stayed in bed. I called my office to tell my assistant I wasn’t coming. I must have sounded confused because she was so worried. As I lay in bed, I kept thinking about the myriad of things I needed to do, that I HAD to do. I was lucid but I felt so tired. He was having trouble swallowing and wanted to drink some water. I couldn’t move, I tried to raise my arms, they wouldn’t move. My legs weren’t moving, I couldn’t move any muscles. I was very scared. I remember trying to raise my hand thinking “I need help. I need help. I have to ask for help,” but I couldn’t move. I could feel my eyes filling with tears and blurring my vision. A tear fell from my eyes and I couldn’t wipe it away. I have never felt so powerless in my life.

I prayed to my God to send an angel to my husband for help. I had faith that they heard me, I closed my eyes. I don’t know how long I was sleeping. I remember being lifted out of bed and put into a car. I know it was David, my husband, but I don’t remember much of the trip or anything he said. He took me to the doctor, who immediately had David take me to a local hospital emergency room. I dont remember anything. The only thing I remember is David on one side of my bed and my mom on the other. The doctor told them that he was very weak, that it was one touch and that was it. My mom and husband were crying, I remember feeling so bad that they felt so bad. It took some research and the experience of a semi-retired doctor to discover the treatment, and it worked. Later, while I was recovering in the hospital, the doctor informed me that I contracted a rare disease caused by stress. I needed to rest and learn to balance and relax. He said: “It’s much cheaper to take a cruise or meditate than to spend a week in hospital.” I heard the message loud and clear. I agreed to mediation and now, more than ten years later, I have a morning and an evening ritual to keep me centered, relaxed, and focused on the important things in life.

How can you be more balanced, relaxed and stress free? Taking specific steps to change their behavior. If you don’t take the action steps now, you may have to pay the consequences later. These action steps include:

o Reading affirmations

o Seek advice from mentors who have what you want

o Take the time to appreciate what you have

Use quotes as affirmations to start taking action

“Release control of people, places, things and situations remember that only you have the power to go crazy”

~Pegine Echevarria, MSW

“Don’t worry about the little things… and they are all little things.”

~Richard Carlson, Ph.D.

“Don’t anticipate problems or worry about what will never happen. Stay in the sunlight.”

~Benjamin Franklin

“When I look back on all these worries, I remember the story of the old man who said on his deathbed that he had had many problems in his life, most of which never happened.”

~Winston Churchill

“Nature doesn’t hurt, but everything is achieved.”

~Lao Tzu

“The happiest people I know are the ones who have learned to keep everything relaxed and have turned over the worrying, stress-filled, fearful details of their lives into God’s keeping.”

~Charles R. Swindoll

Find Mentors Who Have the Kind of Life You Want

Mentors give you clarity and can tell you what you:

1- You already know but you have not acted or

2- Give you information that you did not know to be able to choose

Mentors come in many forms. One of the best is in the form of books. I have come to the conclusion that the authors are given inspiration to reach out to us and teach us. Through books I have learned how to balance my time, how to say no, how to manage money more effectively, how to ask questions, how to improve myself.

In my “Play Big” program, I share the concept of saying “YES to usable activities and situations.” These are activities that strengthen you, support you, make you grow and help you evolve in some way. Times can be challenging when you walk around pleasing others (family, friends, co-workers, or even clients). Each person should evaluate situations before agreeing to do another activity, lower their rates, or say yes one more time.

STOP and ask yourself. Will this activity strengthen me, support me, grow me, and help you evolve in any way? If the answer is a resounding YES!! Then go for it. However, if there is any vagueness or if you are providing justifications for saying yes, then say no!

Too often in business, we accept lower rates or unpleasant behavior from customers using justifications.

According to Jerry Mundis, author of Earn What You Deserve, he writes, “Don’t take a job that pays you less than you need.” He learns your tax needs and then pinpoints a fee schedule based on those needs and the value you offer.

Do not accept unpleasant behavior. Being in business during slow periods can lead you to accept inappropriate or unpleasant behavior from customers. Do not accept it. By willingly accepting rude customer behavior, you are communicating to YOURSELF that you don’t deserve high-paying, satisfied customers. Be careful when accepting difficult or unpleasant clients. Your first rule of thumb should be “YES to usable activities and situations,” and bye-bye when I don’t support you.

By the way, firing an inappropriate or unpleasant customer is exhilarating. Its value increases immediately.

Take the time to appreciate your life

or take a nap

or get a massage

or dress up

o Read some mediation or motivational books

o Go to a comedy club

o Walking (or exercising)

o Dance while you listen to your Ipod

or Pet-a-dog

or play with children

o Write a gratitude list

or go on a cruise

o Snuggle up with your honey

o Say yes to taking time for yourself EVERY DAY. Pull over to the side of the road on your way home and do any of the above.

These are powerful actions you can take that will free you from stress, anxiety, fear, and failure. It is only by allowing yourself to refuse to take action… any action… that you end up stressed, anxious and fearful. You were made to be free, to laugh, to be abundant, and to be bold. Be bold by giving your best… if you don’t, who will?

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