All domain extensions are the same

Since the launch of the dot com domain extension, several new extensions have been introduced. In particular, .org, .net, .biz, .info, as well as country-specific extensions. Many people in the internet marketing community believe that you can rank better in search engine results if you have a .com and it is very difficult to rank with that .info. This is […]

Chiune Sugihara, Eastern Schindler

Even the value of virtue changes with the ages. The Japanese virtue was to die for their motherland in World War II. Japanese virtue changed after losing the war. The country and the government, which seemed indisputable, were gone. Individual people became equal or more important than the country. Although virtue changes, there is a virtue that does not change. […]

How to know if a Chinese woman really loves you!

Due to fears that many Chinese women marry simply for better economic status or a desire to leave their country, I decided to write this article. Not many people have the benefit and perspective that comes from living in China and dating a very broad cross-section of women here. In fact, even many years before in my own country I […]

Nations of the world: fun facts about Swaziland!

Welcome to the Kingdom of Swaziland! independence Did you know- On September 6, 1968, the country, one of the most ethnically homogeneous republics on the planet, proclaimed its national independence as the Kingdom of Swaziland within the Commonwealth. It thus became the forty-second independent country in Africa. Since then, it has become one of the few Third World monarchies. For […]