3 Ways A Business Owner Can Minimize Their Taxes

There are hundreds of ways a small business owner can minimize their tax bill. Although the first two tips below may seem obvious, most small business owners pay too much tax because they are not tracking those two items correctly. As for the third tip, a small business owner rarely saves money by doing their own taxes. Read on to […]

Business credit cards: give your business the edge it needs

There are many business owners who want to accelerate the growth of their business, but it generally depends on having a little more money available. With this, they could advertise more, replace old equipment or buy new, increase their inventory to sell more items, etc. Some business owners take matters into their own hands by financing these expenses with their […]

When will I learn from my mistakes?

“I never learn from my mistakes.” A sad truth is that this article will explain why we continually make the same mistakes over and over again. In fact, we learn from our mistakes, but we learn bad habits. In each event, we are accumulating knowledge of a process; action, reaction and result. This is exactly the same thing that we […]

Ways to Reduce Bad Debt and Improve Cash Flow

Everyone understands the importance of cash for a company, without it, suppliers, salaries and taxes could not be paid and the company will eventually fail, in addition, every time a company sells a product or service, it runs the risk of not being paid. by the company. client. One of the main concerns of any business should be managing cash […]

Scam Vs BP22 – What’s The Difference?

We are pretty sure that there is a time when you become a party to a transaction, either as a payee or a payment. Of course, as a beneficiary, it is preferable to receive cash, as you are confident that your payment was delivered to you in full with no further action required on your part. Now like paying, writing […]

Should Small Businesses Use Payroll Software?

Business owners are constantly looking for new and innovative ways to lower their costs and increase their efficiency. If you are a small business owner, there are many great strategies you can implement in your plans to lower your costs and increase your productivity, but one valuable solution in particular is small business. payroll software. The following article will review […]

Break-even point for the US domestic auto industry.

In April 2009, Ford declared that it would not need help from the government and stated that it had a plan to break even in two years. Ford has been ahead of its main rival General Motors in downsizing its business selling Aston Martin, Land Rover and Jaguar for the past two years. Meanwhile, GM went through a massive reorganization […]