Masturbation Magic: The Stranger’s Technique

Anything a man likes to do with his private At the same time, masturbation always has the same end result in mind: an orgasm. For a man who has been masturbating his entire adult life, and probably a good chunk of his teenage life, things in the self-love department can get boring and routine. That doesn’t necessarily mean it doesn’t […]

Vanuatu attractions for a great vacation

There are many Vanuatu attractions to enjoy while on holiday here in this beautiful destination and it is only a short 2 hour 15 minute flight from Australia and a 3 hour 20 minute flight from New Zealand. Vanuatu is made up of 83 islands, some still very remote. Almost every island offers some of Vanuatu’s attractions. Some of the […]

Positivity starts in the mind

I’m sure you’ve heard people chatter about being positive, thinking positive, and changing your life. Honestly, I was skeptical for a while because it seemed pretty magical. I mean, how does just thinking about something make it come true? Experience seems to show otherwise, but I soon realized that my skepticism was misdirected. The idea that your thoughts can change […]

Bare Minerals Makeup: The Facts You Need

Women love to wear makeup and this is no secret. There are many who won’t step foot outside their door or stand in front of another person without putting on face makeup first. While makeup can make you look good on your eyes, there are some that can damage your skin and you won’t realize this until later when you […]

Hypothyroidism in women – what do you need to know?

While hypothyroidism can and does affect both men and women, women are more likely to suffer from an underactive thyroid gland than their male counterparts. Also, due to differences within the male and female body, hypothyroidism can affect a woman in different ways than it does a man. These are the issues and issues that will be addressed in this […]