Masturbation Magic: The Stranger’s Technique

Anything a man likes to do with his private At the same time, masturbation always has the same end result in mind: an orgasm. For a man who has been masturbating his entire adult life, and probably a good chunk of his teenage life, things in the self-love department can get boring and routine. That doesn’t necessarily mean it doesn’t feel good, because it does, it just means the routine may lack a bit of originality, as a man can fall for the “same ole, same ole” technique, and for good reason. reason. –because it works. Still, men who are looking for more excitement may want to shake things up a bit. “The Stranger” is one of those ways to make self-love a little more exciting; Guys just need to make sure to use plenty of lube to prevent chafing and keep the penis healthy.

What is “The Stranger”?

The stranger may be one of the most well-known masturbation techniques, but that doesn’t mean every guy has heard of it or perfected it. The idea behind the stranger technique is that sex is always more exciting or interesting when another person is involved. Doing it alone gets the job done, but you may not have the same satisfaction as when a partner helps along the way. The fact is that sometimes a partner is unavailable, either because one is living the single life or because he has received the “not tonight dear” sendoff for the evening’s planned entertainment. So what’s a man to do when he has no choice but to serve himself? Get into the stranger.

Now that the premise is understood, it’s time to explain the technique. For a man to run the stranger correctly, you have to be willing to put up with a small amount of discomfort to get a big payoff in the end. You need to sit on your hand for an extended period of time until the hand becomes numb, not dangerously numb as the hand turns purple and is about to numb, just to the point where it falls asleep and the fingers don’t register a complete sense of touch. Once the hand is numbered, it’s time for a man to go to town, preferably before the hand wakes up. Going out like this essentially tricks the brain into feeling like someone else is doing the work. Because the hand doesn’t have its full range of sensations, the brain is really just registering the nerve endings of manhood, giving the man the feeling that he’s ready for the ride. To really shake things up, a man can mix it up even more using his non-dominant hand. In other words, if he’s a righty in the bedroom, he becomes a lefty and vice versa. This will not only give him the strange feeling, but he will have a different speed, angle and technique than he is used to, which can really make him feel like a partner is helping him.


Most guys use some form of lubrication when playing solo, but it can be tempting to skip it in a pinch, or use saliva or lotion instead. However, it is recommended to use a high quality lubricant at all times. This not only makes things feel better; it also protects the skin of the penis. Repetitive, rough, or vigorous masturbation can damage the delicate skin of the penis. Y penile tissue, which can cause lesions ranging from mild irritation to penile curvature known as Peyronie’s disease. In addition to using lubricant every time, a man should also use a penis vitamin lotion every day. (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) to keep the penis healthy. A penis lotion heals damaged skin and can penetrate deep to repair damaged blood vessels and tissue that can become a big problem over time. After all, a healthy penis is a happy penis.

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