teenage blues

“TEEN”, this word itself, gives parents the nightmare or, to put it another way, goosebumps. If we introspect ourselves, we will come to the conclusion that at some point, we also experienced the same things that our children are experiencing now. In fact, everyone has to go through this stage. So why all the fuss and crying about it? It […]

The truth behind the old superstition of a wife bringing misfortune to her husband

In the old days, many would-be in-laws consulted fortune tellers to see if their future daughter-in-law would bring luck to their children. Back then, the fortune teller’s verdict would determine whether a woman would marry. Some women were “labeled” as troublemakers. They were said to bring misfortune or even death to their husbands. As a result, these poor women are […]

Baby can’t poop? Try the chayote puree

My baby’s favorite puree is made from chayote. Do you have visions of the Road Runner and Wiley E. Coyote and wonder how I got to the coyote meat? Let me tell you, no, I didn’t misspell “coyote”! Chayote is a green vegetable that looks a bit like a pear. The background reminds me of the way a toothless mouth […]

Making your marriage a network

Like a spider web that is well connected with each other, couples in marriage must work together and be involved in each other. Making it impossible for one to be complete without the other. Work together as friends: Do whatever you want to do together, work together as friends, no task is tedious if it is done together. Raise your […]