Don’t give that to the baby!

Not all foods that are delicious for mom are fair game for baby’s tummy. Think twice before offering them to your children. Popcorn – This delicious snack is reposted as one of the most common choking hazards for children. Parents should remember not to offer them unless the baby is supervised and is over a year old. If given to […]

Importance of breastfeeding for your baby

Why is breastfeeding important? What does the WHO say? WHO and UNICEF recommend that a baby should be exclusively breastfed for 6 months. After six months, safe and appropriate additional foods and fluids should supplement breastfeeding to meet the nutritional needs of a young child up to the age of two years. Why breast milk is better? Breast milk is […]

Rats as pets: 5 myths debunked

History has described them as dirty creatures that caused the Black Death of the Middle Ages. Hollywood has portrayed them as ruthless killers ready to attack humans at the slightest provocation. Is it any wonder that most people are afraid at the mere mention of his name? How can such a small animal cause such a big reaction? But more […]

fingering in mombasa

The unexpected crossing from Pakistan had been pretty rough as the rubbing on my rig indicated. I knew it was the wrong time of year, but having traded for all the goods that could be safely stowed, my only thought was to leave Karachi’s teenage thieves and pickpockets in my wake. Now, the seas have finally settled and become much […]

How is Jesus like a door (John 10:1-10)?

“Jesus opens the door to heaven for believers,” says 8-year-old Zachary. “Hell is not a place you want to go.” The president will probably never call on Zachary to serve as a diplomat at the United Nations. His directness would offend too many people. I am reminded of the door in the back of the closet in “The Chronicles of […]

rejuvenate with food

Inactivity, along with a poor diet, are largely responsible for the premature aging of our body. Hormone production during puberty, and for half a dozen years after, is almost unaffected by poor food choices or inactivity. That’s why we can’t see the correlation of inactivity with a poor diet as major contributors to aging. It’s not until we approach our […]

3 Easy Soup Recipes You Must Try Perfect For Your BBQ Night

Soups are a great appetizer. The different types offer a variety of flavors and textures. More importantly, a bowl of healthy soup with legumes, vegetables, and other high-fiber ingredients nourishes the body with essential nutrients. Soup consumption has also been found to help maintain a healthy weight: according to a recent study published in the British Journal of Nutrition, soup […]

Gift ideas for gadget lovers

So what is considered a gadget? Is it a gadget? Well, according to Webster’s dictionary: a gadget is often a small mechanical or electronic device with a practical use but often considered a novelty. Do they really refer to useless items that people have a lot of fun playing with? Sometimes! Useless or purposeful, the following gadgets make perfect one-of-a-kind […]