Importance of breastfeeding for your baby

Why is breastfeeding important? What does the WHO say?

WHO and UNICEF recommend that a baby should be exclusively breastfed for 6 months. After six months, safe and appropriate additional foods and fluids should supplement breastfeeding to meet the nutritional needs of a young child up to the age of two years.

Why breast milk is better?

  • Breast milk is mother nature’s gift to baby! There are more than 200 components of breast milk known to science.
  • About 80 percent of the living cells in breast milk are made of macrophages that kill bacteria and viruses.
  • Breast milk is sterile and free of contaminants.
  • Breast milk in the first few days is called colostrum. This is called Liquid Gold for the baby.. Colostrum contains antibodies to protect the newborn against disease, as well as being lower in fat and higher in protein than regular milk.

Who can breastfeed?

Any woman who has given birth will have the ability to breastfeed. It is very rare to see any physical problem in the mother that prevents her from breastfeeding. Breast size has no effect on the amount of breast milk production. Even with inverted nipples, women will be able to breastfeed with some help. The amount of breast milk production will increase as your baby continues to breastfeed. Even mothers who have had a C-section, breech baby, and twin babies can also breastfeed comfortably with enough milk.

What are the benefits for the baby?

  • Nature has designed breast milk in such a way that it has the perfect combination of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and liquids that newborn babies require. The composition of breast milk changes according to the requirements of the baby so that the baby gets maximum nutrition. No formula milk can replace breast milk in this way.
  • Breast milk is full of antibodies that help the baby fight infection. Therefore, the baby has less chance of ear infection, diarrhea and respiratory infections. Breastfed babies will have far fewer doctor visits for illnesses.
  • The hormones released during lactation will increase the bond between the mother and the baby. This leads to the satisfaction of the emotional and physical needs of the baby.
  • Breast milk also has long-term health benefits. Reduces the possibility of childhood obesity; hypertension; high cholesterol level; eczema; type 2 diabetes; leukemia; asthma in later life.

What are the benefits for the mother?

  • Breastfeeding is free and readily available.
  • Breastfeeding stimulates the secretion of beneficial hormones called prolactin and oxytocin. Prolactin (pro lactation) Helps the mother to relax and facilitates the bond with the baby. Oxytocin causes contraction of the uterus/womb and reduces bleeding and anemia. Therefore, breastfeeding helps the uterus return to its pre-pregnancy size and decreases the chance of bleeding and anemia after delivery.
  • Breastfeeding consumes about 500 additional calories per day. Therefore, it is easier to lose weight after giving birth if you are breastfeeding.
  • Breastfeeding reduces the risk of premenopausal breast cancer, ovarian cancer, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis (less broken bones), and postpartum depression
  • It is very convenient and it is not complicated to sterilize/boil the baby bottles. No preparation time is needed.

How to ensure adequate breast milk?

Take prenatal vitamins, specifically a vitamin D supplement is recommended for all breastfeeding women and for breastfed babies. Iron and calcium supplements are also beneficial. Please consult your doctor.

Increase dietary protein intake – Include Dals, milk and eggs daily in your diet.

Begin breastfeeding within the first hour after birth. Breastfeeding on demand. This will help regulate the fat content in the milk.

Eat plenty of fresh fruits to get vitamins and micronutrients.

Ensure adequate fluid intake, including water and milk. Breastfeeding can make you thirsty.

What are the steps of breastfeeding?

Hold the baby’s entire body close with the nose at the level of the nipple – “nose to nipple”. Let the baby’s head tilt back slightly to allow the baby’s upper lip to brush against the nipple; this helps the baby to open his mouth wide. When the baby’s mouth is wide open, the chin can touch the breast, and with the head tilted back, the tongue can reach out and grasp as much of the breast as possible. Once the chin is touched and the nose is clear with the mouth wide open encircling the nipple, the baby begins to suckle and the cheeks look full and round as they feed. After feeding the baby, hold the baby upright on your shoulder to expel (burp). Breast-fed babies have fewer problems with wind than bottle-fed babies.

Watch for the following signs to make sure your baby is feeding well:

  • The baby’s chin is firmly touching the chest.
  • The baby has a big chest bite.
  • The baby’s cheeks round during sucking.
  • Breastfeeding is not painful for the mother, although the initial sucks are strong with mild discomfort.
  • There is rhythmic sucking and swallowing, with occasional pauses. There will be cycles of short blowjobs and also long and deep blowjobs.
  • The baby seems satisfied at the end of the feed and comes off the breast on its own.

Reliable indicators that the baby is getting enough milk

You will notice the baby gaining weight appropriately and regaining birth weight by 2 weeks. The other way to monitor weight gain is for the baby to gain 500g or more per month or 125g per week. The baby should have clear urine 6 or more times a day by 4 days of age if she is exclusively breastfed. Please check wet diapers.

Diet during lactation

The mother should try to eat a balanced diet. Foods that can be used liberally in the diet are fresh fruits and vegetables, vegetable soup, milk, curd/Lassi, moong/channa sprouts, fermented products like Idli, Dhokla, Dosa, etc. and egg white. Include plenty of iron- and protein-rich foods in your diet. Foods that are good sources of iron and protein for vegetarians include pulses (Dhals), milk, paneer, spinach and other leafy green vegetables, anar (pomegranate), banana, and black grapes. Orange juice and Amla have a lot of vitamin C, which is important for the absorption of iron in the body. A handful of nuts to snack on is a good idea for a vegetarian diet that is rich in iron and protein.

natural galactogogues

Natural galactogogues are foods that increase the production of breast milk. Indian cuisine has many such foods that are used in daily cooking. Some examples are methi (fenugreek) seeds, garlic, saunf (fennel seeds), jeera water, oats and brewer’s yeast.

Common problems while breastfeeding

Breasts full with discomfort and pain. – It can occur 3-4 days after delivery, the breasts are full, hot and difficult to touch

Management – The baby needs to be well latched on and breastfed frequently. You can express milk if necessary. Simple pain relievers such as paracetamol can help if the pain is severe.

breast engorgement – This happens in the blocked milk duct. The chest appears swollen, the skin looks shiny and red. This may be accompanied by breast pain, but the pain may not be as severe as mastitis. You may also notice a mild fever.

Management – Feed the baby frequently, apply warm compresses or bathe him with lukewarm water. Try simple and safe pain relievers.

Mastitis – hard swelling in the breast with redness and severe pain. In this condition, the mother will also have a fever.

Management – rest, breastfeed the baby frequently, apply warm compresses, take simple painkillers. You may need to be treated with antibiotics. Contact your doctor.

Sore or cracked nipples – Pain when the baby sucks. This is due to excess suction on the nipples.

Management – If your nipples hurt, check the baby’s position. Make sure the baby has the right amount of breast tissue, areola, and nipple in the mouth. Improve baby’s attachment. You can try some soothing creams.

Working women and lactation

  • Take advantage of all possible leaves of absence to your credit, including leaves without pay
  • If possible, take your baby to work, make use of daycare if available
  • Do not start other feedings before you really need them.
  • Don’t think, “I’ll have to go back to work in 12 weeks, so I might as well give him a bottle right away.” This is the most common mistake mothers make. Even if you can feed it for a short period of time, it provides significant benefits for the baby. The baby will have received a certain amount of valuable antibodies during this time.
  • Continue to breastfeed even at night, early in the morning, and any other time you are at home.
  • Express as much breast milk as possible before going back to work, in a very clean bottle, even 1 cup (200 ml) can give the baby 3 feedings/day of 60-70 ml each.
  • Cover the milk and store in the coolest place you can find in the house or in the refrigerator
  • Expressed breast milk keeps good for 8 to 10 hours even in hot weather and up to 24 hours in the refrigerator
  • Breastfeed your baby after you have expressed your milk, so that the baby gets the breast milk that you cannot express, including some final milk.
  • Do not boil or reheat your own breast milk
  • Bottle feeding is not absolutely necessary, even very young babies can be fed from a cup if you choose to use formula.
  • Breastfeeding should begin within the first hour after birth.
  • Breastfeeding should be “on demand”, as many times as the child wants day and night
  • Bottles or pacifiers should be avoided.

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