Why a green smoothie drink is good for you

People today are increasingly aware of the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Due to the type of food available and unhealthy diet choices, there has been a significant increase in the number of people diagnosed with heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and obesity. In short, there is a culture of disease.

Some have chosen to take control of their health and have taken that first step of eating better to living better. Since we are what we eat, this means getting enough nutrition in the body that will nourish it properly. The most important step would be to implement dietary changes. Of course, the changes should not be drastic. There should be a transition phase where healthy foods are slowly incorporated into daily meals. A helpful way to do this is to have a glass or two of green smoothies every day.

Green smoothies are made from fresh leafy greens mixed with fruit and liquid. Often people have an aversion to vegetables; however, the flavor of the vegetables in a blended drink is masked by the flavor of the fruit. Most people are surprised at how good a glass of green smoothie tastes, especially if they are trying it for the first time. It is not only delicious, it is also very nutritious.

Because it’s made from fruits and vegetables, a green smoothie contains several vitamins and minerals as well as phytonutrients and omega-3 fatty acids. What can these substances do in the body? They can prevent cardiovascular disease and certain cancers, promote healthy digestion, healthier liver and kidneys, proper blood sugar levels, clearer vision, smoother skin, and a stronger immune system. Also, vegetables contain chlorophyll, a substance that closely resembles human blood. According to some experts, drinking a glass of green smoothies is like receiving a blood transfusion.

The nutrients found in a glass of green smoothie drink are easier for the body to absorb. Plants have cell walls that must be broken down for the body to assimilate nutrients. This is usually done by chewing. With shakes, this is already achieved through the blending process, so nutrient absorption begins immediately after drinking. Studies show that chewing allows for forty percent absorption, while mixing allows for ninety-five percent. This clearly indicates that drinking green smoothies is much better than eating a bowl of salad.

Smoothie drinkers have proven that being healthy is not a difficult thing to achieve. It’s all about choosing the right foods and making beneficial changes to your daily diet. Amazingly, those who chose to take the first step towards eating right found that not only were their bodies nourished, but their minds and spirits underwent positive transformations as well.

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