Five Tips for Christian Comedians That Guarantee a Great Comedy Show

If you are a professional Christian comedian, I recommend you consider the following five tips that will ensure a solid and hilarious performance. Being a professional means adhering to rules of conduct that will make event coordinators immediately feel confident that they have booked talent that is aware of the needs of both the church and its guests.

1) As a Christian comedian, you should avoid any material that contains offensive language, set-ups, or jokes.

Know that Christian comedy is an art form. It is a unique humor that is appreciated by people who are looking for a clean and funny comedy that is not offensive. Comedy is usually presented in a church, auditorium, or multipurpose room setting. If you’re delivering a comedy that isn’t appropriate for this type of setting, you’ll know immediately. The atmosphere and the reaction of the crowd will train a comedian on what material is appropriate at the moment he begins to speak.

2) Be ready to use Bible verses

Occasionally, this request is made. Although many christian comedians don’t regularly quote Bible verses in your performance, it may be helpful to have a reference or two prepared and associated with clean humor, just in case.

3) Always be on time

It is my recommendation to arrive an hour before show time. This makes everyone feel comfortable, including the artist! The extra time will allow you to look around the room, check the microphone, set up the books if you are selling them, speak with the event coordinators, and chat with guests. If there are any issues with the stage or sound, you’ll have plenty of time to get them in order.

4) Dress up! Dress as if you were acting on television.

It’s always better to go overdressed instead of looking casual at a more formal event. Taking the time to dress appropriately shows that you are a professional and take the time to look good.

5) Make your audience the stars of the show

so many humorists overlook the fact that it’s important to make your audience members the stars of the show. This is very effective in producing a memorable show. Many performers “personalize” their show by making direct references to audience members in their routine. I recommend going one step further and including members of the audience onstage in your performance. “Going on stage” is a memory guests will cherish for years to come!

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