How to make a guy see you more often? He will naturally want to be with you more from this point on

You have started dating a guy and you are really attracted to him. Unfortunately, he always takes his time asking you out, and when he does, he does it in a way that makes you question how he really feels. If you want to exercise your power to be asked out more often, here’s what to do.

Keep your beauty-

You don’t need to have the perfect body to be an undeniable force in her life. Just work on your cosmetics, have beautiful skin, luminous hair, and a big warm smile. Men don’t like super hot girls that much. They know that these types of girls are too much to please, and prefer to do without them. They prefer a girl who is calm, comfortable with herself and has style. Give the guy great satisfaction by choosing something trendy and revealing, but not too revealing.

Make him feel a sense of need.

It is more important that he feel more need for you than you for him. So you can exercise your power. Whenever he feels down and needs support, you can be there to lift his spirits and cheer him up. The more difficulties you are going through, the more you will need his support to help you through these times. This will show how valuable you are when you are always there to make him happy.

Be a good expert communicator-

Many girls are great listeners, mainly because they are not very good speakers. It’s easier for them to agree with everything the guy says, and to compliment and acknowledge everything he says. This type of girl is easily noticeable and is not respected for being very intelligible or self-assured. She doesn’t just be a good listener. She say what you think and be proud of what you believe. She talks to your boyfriend in a way that is articulate and overwhelming, so that you draw all her interest and respect. Not only will he look at you as a pretty face, you will be an authority figure in his life, and what’s sexier than that!

Be straight up-

There are some people who never get what they want, because they go through life expecting things to work out. They wait for the weather to improve, or they hope to win the lottery. Hey, waiting is fine, but if you really want him, be persistent and call him, tell him what you want. Go to his house and have courage.

Make laughter a big part of the relationship-

Get him to see you more often by telling him that’s exactly what you want. But do it as a joke. You don’t want to sound too serious and controlling about it. Don’t say “Where have you been? Why didn’t you call me?” Sounding all serious and worried. Be fun about it. Say ‘I live in the same zip code as you, last time I checked we were located in the same city. You don’t have to be shy to come visit sometimes…” Kind of, that gets the point across, but it’s not too direct.

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