Make your day and get out of your way!

Sometimes we have to go out of our own way and take a chance. However, the fear of failure, of being laughed at, of being disliked, of being thought poorly, can prevent us from pushing ourselves into the unknown and gradually moving towards developing new skills, abilities, and life experiences. lifetime.

It can lead us to resist offers to try new places and things, try out or speak at an event, out of fear or worry about what might happen. We can question ourselves, run a ‘what if’ narrative. Perhaps we are unsure of what to say or do, hesitant to risk appearing ridiculous, or afraid of embarrassing ourselves.

But others also share those fears and concerns and can inspire and encourage them to try when they see someone else taking risks, refusing to stand in their own way, and not caring too much about the possible consequences.

Others often appreciate and support those who try, so why not decide to take some positive steps, stop kidnapping ourselves, and enjoy the opportunity to get out of our comfort zone?

– start small. By taking one step at a time, you gradually build your confidence. If you have social anxiety, instead of agreeing to go to dinner at an ultra-smart, noisy restaurant, why not get used to going out for coffee and lunch at the busiest times of the day first? Choose positive ways to take things at your own pace, brighten your day, and get out of your way!

get used to mixing with a variety of people and go out. If you have a meeting, interview, or presentation, practice putting together a few points and rehearse in front of a mirror or with a small, supportive audience. Focus on the areas you don’t feel confident about.

– To be aware how you talk to yourself We are often our own worst critic, beating ourselves up in ways we would never dream of talking about with others. Instead, tell yourself that you can do it, that it’s worth it, that others aren’t as interested or invested in what you do as you are; all ways to help overcome initial doubts and hesitations.

– Address areas who feel abandoned, who need a little help. Use this opportunity as motivation to improve your appearance, your wardrobe, update your image, benefit your conversation skills or education. It may take some effort, but that commitment will pay off by improving your life and making you feel more involved in the quality of your daily commitments.

To keep up to date with local news and popular TV shows, allowing you to join conversations and connect with others with relative ease. Or ask people ‘gentle’ questions about their vacations or how they spend their time; pretty safe approaches to starting conversations.

– Get help from a supportive friend, family member, therapist, coach or mentor, someone who is on your side and supports you, sometimes applauding your efforts, sometimes giving you a push to keep going. Be open to that happening and welcome constructive comments and suggestions. It can be surprising to discover how different others see us, compared to how we see ourselves.

Foster a curious and interested mindset doing something new and challenging every day, making you think and get out of your comfort zone. It may just be traveling a different route to work, cooking something you’ve never tried for dinner before. Think of the ways you can start a positive, interesting and engaged approach to life and savor where it takes you.

– Assess opportunities to say ‘yes’ to invite and try new experiences and relationships. Even agreeing to do things that may not initially be appealing can lead to unexpected successes and adventures. And sometimes saying ‘no’ can also be positive, if it keeps you from feeling overwhelmed and exhausted.

When we get out of our own way, we stop thinking about how others perceive us or ways to keep them happy. We go beyond looking for the easy options in life or justifying ways not to do things. Going with the flow allows us to live in the moment and get excited about trying. When you get out of your way, you can make your day!

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