Natural Supplements and Considerate Medical Treatments

What about all the recalls of medical devices, medical treatments, and natural supplements? Is anyone really doing their job? Is enforcement too lax or too burdensome for companies to cheat for minimal profit? Under regulation, over regulation, corporate malfeasance, criminal behavior, class action lawyers – what’s up? Not long ago, this turned into a discussion conversation in our think tank.

One tanker thinker mentioned that there were some pretty unfortunate hip replacement recalls a few years back. Yes, I have heard of the hip reminders you talked about and have seen a YouTube video graph of the problem. Terrible, I mean, how can they remember a hip? Oh. I have a steel rod in my leg from a motorcycle accident many years ago; It basically ruined my running career, even if my high-performance athletic days were practically over by then.

The downside is that it’s obviously pre-existing and I never took it out, because I couldn’t waste my business downtime and be self-employed, well I never had time to take it. outside, now I don’t even know if it’s safe too, plus I’m terribly worried about MRSA and I don’t trust hospitals anymore, not to mention the costs, the skyrocketing health insurance, etc. Anyway, what I’m saying is that I can relate to the problem aspect of your “problem-solution” concept.

Well, if that sounds bad, consider the challenges with vitamin supplements. Even if the FDA enforced regulations in that space, I still see the challenges with the FDA and supplements and the controversies there. I am also concerned that too many supplements are being made in China or with ingredients from there, that scares me, and the FDA only has one office in all of China. If so, the vitamin industry would die and people would be left without it.

I asked one of our think tank members if he was concerned that with the lengthy approval process for things, natural supplement companies might slow down the delivery of all of that to Big Pharma and therefore eliminate the consumer options, if all. Did natural supplements have to go through the FDA?

One member suggested that certain natural supplements be considered for special cases, such as a natural lubricant or a mixture of natural supplements with various medications or in addition to treatments, because I see this as a very wise thing, especially as we learn more about enzymes, proteins , and we just need a little boost somewhere for the patient to get over the hump of their ailments so the body can take over and correct it again. Think about this.

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