The importance of acquiring knowledge

Knowledge is vital to success. And knowledge is always available. However, many people do not benefit from the privilege of learning, knowing, and growing. You should always aim to be informed about the areas of life that interest you. He must also learn about life problems that can affect the lives of those who seek him out for information and advice. People are always looking for knowledge. However, because the person or persons from whom they seek advice do not read, study or learn, they only give them what I call ‘dark knowledge’. Dark knowledge is information given in ignorance of the topic under discussion. Why ask a person about how to manage finances, who doesn’t even have a bank book, or who is a broker than you? Why ask someone who is always sick, how to receive healing and live a healthy life?

It is important that the knowledge we seek comes from informed people, who know what they are talking about or writing about. Therefore, research is necessary.

I am an advocate for the power and blessing of reading good, wholesome, and insightful books. I love reading. And you should too. When we spend some of our time reading various types of books, we will find ourselves learning how to get ahead in life, doing things more efficiently and perhaps faster as well. We will discover insights and insights on how to handle various situations, circumstances, and relationships. We will be able and better prepared to assume a positive role in society and even rise to positions of great authority and wealth.

Through knowledge, we can acquire wisdom, which is the understanding of how to use what we have and what we know to get what we want or need. Wisdom teaches us how to use knowledge in the most effective and efficient way, to get where we have the vision to go.

Knowledge is information. Understanding is capturing and understanding that information. Wisdom is knowing what to do with that information. But it starts with knowledge.

There are three things a person can do to develop the habit of reading. And while some of these things may be a bit difficult for some, the effect and results of applying these principles will be life-changing. Are here:

1. Learn to read.

I’m not trying to be mean here. Some people have a hard time reading because they don’t know how. And please understand that we all had to learn how to do it. We had to learn to spell. We had to learn to put words together. And although at times this seemed difficult to do, we learned how to do it. So don’t be discouraged if you have to learn to read. And don’t worry about what others will think of you. Learn to read and you’ll be glad you did.

2. Choose books that will help you where you are right now.

There are books on spirituality, mind, health, wealth, sociability, history, geography, computers, life, children, youth, etc. There are fictions that help expand our imagination. So choose what books you need to read, what subjects appeal to you.

3. Read and finish one book before reading another. Finishing books is what makes you a reader. Those who simply read a fragment of a book here and then a fragment there, without finishing any book, are not readers. In my opinion, they are ‘scrappers’. Readers read and finish what they read, so they can know the bottom line of the whole thing.

So read on. Keep reading. And one day someone will ask you for advice and you will have something valuable and informed to say.

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