Traveler’s stomach: what to do if you get sick abroad

Unfortunately, exotic places in Latin America often come with their share of exotic problems. Many of us are happy to avoid the pleasure of crying into the toilet bowl at 2am. it’s something you’ll have to deal with. If you’re planning an action-packed itinerary to get the most out of your Latin America vacation, the last thing you need is to get sick, so here are some tips to help you spend more time enjoying your trip than healing from the comfort of your bathroom. suite.

The food in many parts of Latin America, particularly Peru, Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico, is excellent. However, be sure to follow your travel company’s advice to avoid any real health issues and maximize your vacation enjoyment.

Prepare for the worst – Travel Insurance

In addition to stomach problems, you can experience a variety of unpleasant conditions if you get stuck at your destination; it’s always better to have it covered if things go wrong. Make sure your travel insurance, if purchased independently, includes medical care. Ask an insurance advisor or your tour operator if you need any destination-specific advice and don’t just rely on your credit card cover as it’s often not enough!

Get a portable medicine cabinet for your destination

A destination guide, your tour operator or your doctor should be able to advise you on the contents of a simple portable medical kit to cover the most common ailments abroad, including digestive problems. It shouldn’t take up too much space to pack and could make life a lot more bearable when you’re frantically rummaging through your luggage trying to find something to ease any discomfort.

Take it easy the week before you leave

Your body is pretty amazing; in many cases it has the ability to resist disease, infection, and the variety of nasty things you put on it. However, if you’ve been burning the candle at both ends to get all your work done before your vacation or attending a series of wrap parties before you fly, your immune system could be weak, making you much more susceptible to problems.

clean hands

A great way to pick up germs and all kinds of nasty stuff is with your hands. A simple alcohol or antibacterial gel or spray to clean them before meals or after going to the bathroom will reduce the chance of anything unwanted getting into your mouth.

careful kitchen

There are common culprits that have carried unwanted bacteria and illnesses to the stomach lining of travelers over the years. While it can be a great experience eating street food from a foreign country, if you don’t have a few weeks to go through the roller coaster of allowing your stomach to adjust, it’s probably worth taking a safer option. Typically iffy choices for food are raw or undercooked meat, poultry, raw fruits and vegetables, and dairy products. Water is often a source of trouble in many Latin American countries, so try to stick to bottled water and avoid ice, as it is often made from tap water. If you’re determined to eat local snacks, try making them earlier in the day when they’re still fresh.

Hopefully you’re not reading this on a Blackberry while you’re in the bathroom stall, but it’s good to have a plan if things go wrong; Remember these simple steps to get on the road to recovery quickly.

1. Go back to your hotel and rest

2. Tell your local tour company contact, a friend, or someone at the front desk to monitor you and report any medications you take or allergies in case a doctor needs to be informed.

3. Drink plenty of water and use rehydration salts from your medicine cabinet. Take a couple of painkillers if you need to.

4. Many stomach problems can be resolved within 72 hours, but if your condition remains the same after 3 days or blood is involved, please contact a doctor as recommended by your tour operator, guide, or hotel.

Getting sick is certainly not the outcome anyone wants from their trip, but at least you can take comfort in the fact that going on an international adventure is taking you out of your comfort zone and developing you as a person.

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