What makes Robert Pattinson so popular?

My youngest daughter has had a huge crush on Zac Efron since the first High School Musical years ago. Her love for this particular (lovable) actor has only grown through two other High School Musicals and Hairspray. Little did Mr. Efron know, however, that a beautiful British actor was coming onto the scene and vying to take his place not only in my daughter’s heart, but in young hearts across the country.

Indeed, this young actor has won the hearts of all ages. With his flamboyant good looks, colorful personality, and accent, Robert Pattinson has become what many pundits are winding up, “The New Zac Efron.” I thought my daughter would choke on the words, but she somehow seems to be okay with them. She simply says, “There’s room for both of us.” I’m not sure if she means in the world, on her bedroom walls, or in her heart, but she’s right either way.

I find something particularly interesting about the actors who attract female fans the most these days. It’s not so much the rough and tough guys that girls were attracted to in the past. They are the softest, most relaxed and calm men who make girls’ hearts race. I think it’s a sign of the times and, well, a sign of the girls. They don’t necessarily want to be rescued anymore, though they couldn’t ask for a prettier knight on a white horse. They would rather be rescued than saved!

As a mother of three daughters, I honestly love what this has to say about girls. As another shout out to where women are today, the Twilight books were written by a woman and the movie was directed by a woman.

I think the popularity of Twilight can be explained in several ways. First of all, the movie is based on an amazing series of books by a very, very talented author. The writing and characters are as compelling and engrossing as you could hope for. It’s a great classic love story told in a new, fresh, beautiful and bold way. There is a lot of action, mystery and suspense, but at the heart of the story is the love that Bella has for Edward and the love that Edward has for Bella.

Edward, of course, is played by the current reigning prince of attractiveness, Robert Pattinson. So does he deserve the title? Is it all hype that will go away next month?

Personally, I know a thing or two about heartbreakers. Not only for my three daughters, but it wasn’t that long ago that I collected my own posters and my heart picked up its own beats. When I saw the Zac Efron phenomenon start to grow, I knew he was going to be around for a long time. He has a kindness and grace that complements his looks and talent. I also have to say that I don’t think there is a “new” Zac Efron simply because the “old” one hasn’t gone anywhere! He is even younger than Robert Pattinson and has countless years left of weakening women’s knees.

I think one thing that Robert has going for him that Zac is not available. Admirably, Zac is in a long-term relationship with his girlfriend, Vanessa. This makes it less accessible to female fans. On the other hand, they see the detached Robert Pattinson and feel much freer to fantasize. There is no beautiful young actress on the way! Even.

Something else that I think Robert has going for him, aside from looks and talent, is a great personality. He is quirky, off-beat, self-deprecating, and has a very dry wit. I think every man in the world should take note: women love to laugh and if you can get them to do it with a killer sense of humor, you’re halfway there.

I look forward to seeing the Twilight dynasty grow and I look forward even more to seeing Robert Pattinson’s career take off. The mind is stunned to see how far each will go. Take a seat in the front row with me!

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