Jewelry Style Guide for Beginners Men

More men select, buy and wear jewelry than ever before. The modern man is embracing jewelry as an entrance to the fashion club. If he has considered wearing fashion jewelry…more on trend, then I will review him and give him advice on selecting and wearing each piece of men’s jewelry. Necklaces: Necklaces have been hitting fashion magazines in a big […]

What is XBox360?

Xbox 360 is the successor to Microsoft’s Xbox video game console. In the past it was known as Xbox Next or Xbox 2 or simply Project Xenon. Microsoft has scheduled its release just before Christmas 2005, the biggest shopping season, although it was presented on May 12, 2005 on MTV. Xbox 360 is a response to Sony’s PlayStation 3 and […]

All about Brie Cheese

Brie appetizers are not only delicious, but they are also very versatile. It’s amazing what you can do with a Brie cheese. How did “real” Brie cheese come about in the first place? Well, according to cheese experts, the production of Brie cheese started in the French province called, unsurprisingly, Brie, a city 60 miles from Paris! The oldest recorded […]