3 things to know before using Rogaine

Some take Rogaine without researching it or without considering what effects it may have on them. While Rogaine can be purchased without a prescription, this does not change the fact that Minoxidil, the active ingredient in Rogaine, is a drug and should be used with caution. Putting a liquid or gel on your hair to help combat hair loss seems easy enough, but people may not know what they are getting into by taking this drug blindly. Before someone uses Rogaine, they need to know its side effects, its limits, and its cost.

Rogaine can and will cause side effects for some users; however, most side effects are not serious and include mild headaches, irritated scalp, and dandruff. Among the more serious side effects that are unlikely to occur, but that can occur, are dizziness, a racing heart, and even cardiac arrest; however, these are only possibilities and more exceptions than the rule. Most users do not experience serious side effects, but anyone thinking of trying Rogaine should be aware of these things. It is recommended that you consult a physician during any hair loss treatment program, as this is the best way to ensure your own health and safety.

As with any medicine, when Rogaine is used for a long period, the body will adapt and its effects will diminish. Researchers who have followed up their resting subjects with Minoxidil years later after conducting clinical trials say that the test subjects reported a decrease in the drug’s effectiveness. Rogaine’s ability to maintain and regrow hair will lose strength after several years of use. Users who start treatment only to find out later that its power would only last so long are disappointed to have wasted time and money paralyzing hair loss instead of stopping it. If you plan on using it for the rest of your life thinking that it will constantly work like magic, you may want to rethink it.

Finally, potential users should be aware that using Rogaine is not cheap. If you are considering using it to treat hair loss, you must ask yourself: Am I willing to shell out $ 6,400 over the next forty years to save my hair? A three-month supply of Rogaine may seem reasonable at the time, but the cost adds up pretty quickly. Hair loss treatment is an investment, and if you’re having trouble surviving, it’s best to spend your money elsewhere.

Minoxidil is a drug and, like any other, its administration must be taken seriously. If you are not informed about Rogaine before taking it, you could be putting your health and financial stability at risk for something that will turn dumb over time. If you are considering taking Rogaine, I encourage you to read about it and learn all the information you can about it.

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