Bimatoprost Side Effects


Bimatoprost is a commonly prescribed eye dilator that helps to prevent clumping of the fluid that usually accumulates in and around the eye. This product’s primary mechanism of action is to relax the muscles of the eyelids which causes them to become less rigid, thereby reducing the pressure that is placed upon the optic nerves and subsequently the visual centres. This medication has been approved for use by both women and men who are experiencing vision problems, including certain types of glaucoma, under-performing eyes, and conditions related to eye rubbing. It is also known to be effective for treating other forms of eye problems associated with the eye such as the formation of cataracts and other forms of glaucoma.

Although Bimatoprost is an approved prescription medication for the treatment of glaucoma, the generic form of this drug has not been approved for this purpose. Some generic forms of this drug contain small amounts of other ingredients that are not approved or tested for the treatment of eye problems, therefore they cannot be sold as medications intended for treating serious eye ailments. These other ingredients, when absorbed into the body can produce a variety of side effects, some of which include:

bimatoprost online

Loss of eyelashes. The loss of eyelashes caused by taking the generic form of bimatoprost is irreversible, but the effects of the drug can be temporarily slowed down with the use of special eye drops that contain lower concentrations of the drug. There is a possibility that a loss of eyelashes will occur in some users of careprost 0.03. If this happens, a complete replacement of the drug should be given. In most cases, however, eyelashes will grow back within a short period.

Bimatoprost Side Effects

Damaged blood vessels. One of the side effects of taking careprost eyelash growth serum is an increased risk of acquiring blood clots or deep vein thrombosis (DVT). Blood clots can be dangerous because they are known to break off and travel up to the lungs or to other parts of the body, thereby exposing them to infection or trauma. As a result of this occurrence, symptoms such as fever, pain, bruising, nausea, vomiting, and chest pain may develop. Such symptoms may vary according to the body conditions that a patient may already have.

Vision alterations. Some users of the generic form of careprost eyelash growth serum have reported that they experience blurred vision, increased sensitivity to light, decreased peripheral vision, and decreased night vision. These symptoms can be more severe in people who have glaucoma or high blood pressure, or who are undergoing other medical treatments such as chemo or radiation therapy. This medication should not be used in combination with any eye drop for the above-mentioned conditions.

These are the most common side effects experienced by users of the generic form of the medicine. However, these side effects have rarely been observed in patients who have regularly taken the recommended dose of the eye drop. For example, a study posted on the web by the US National Institute of Health showed that there was no significant difference between the drug’s results and those of an eye gel prescribed to the same patients. The researchers concluded that the only difference that could be noted was the fact that the eye gel had an extended duration of action. Bimatoprost online, on the other hand, had no such prolonged effect.

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