Bogdan Stambuliu – Numismatics Interview

Mr. Bogdan Stambuliu, what is numismatics and numismatic?

Numismatics It is the scientific analysis and study of money and the uses that people have given it throughout history. However, when coin collectors use the word numismatics, they are generally referring to the study of coins in particular. A broader and more correct definition includes the study and collection of all items related to money, such as bills, tokens, medals, bullion rounds, etc. The word comes from the Greek word nomism, which means money. This science was developed in the 14th century and today it is a very widespread hobby, which also includes the collection and study of banknotes and coins. One of the first systematic numismatists was the French Renaissance humanist Guillaume Bude.

A person who dedicates his professional life to the study of coins is called numismatic. Among coin collectors, the term numismatic is used to refer to anyone who is really serious about their coin collection, or who sorts, catalogs, or sells coins for a living. I don’t know if you know but Numismatic is also the title of the monthly magazine published by the American Numismatic Association.

Geoffrey Cope once said that Art in the form of coins is not only what we study but the emotion when we hold a piece of history“. Throughout its history, money itself has become a scarce commodity, although it does not have to be. Many items have been used as money, from naturally scarce precious metals and cowrie shells to cigarettes to completely artificial money, called fiat money, such as bank notes. Many complementary currencies use time as the unit of measurement, using mutual credit accounting that keeps the balance of money intact. Modern money (and most ancient money as well) is essentially a token, an abstraction. Paper money is perhaps the most common type of physical money today. However, goods such as gold or silver retain many of the essential properties of money.

When did you start collecting numismatic items?

I started collecting coins since I was a child and I received an old and rusty coin from my grandfather. This was just a little encouragement, after that everything changed.

Mr. Bogdan Stambuliu, wWhat is the most interesting coin that you collected over time?

I have collected many coins over time and I can say that they are all equally interesting. Today I would like to talk to you about the suit of King Charles I. The gold coin announced Romania’s desire for independence. In 1868, Carol I was testing the Great Powers’ reaction to his projects in Romania, with a coin bearing his face. The inscription around the effigy, “Carol I Domnulu Romaniloru”, was a brave gesture, given that Austria-Hungary ruled Transylvania and the Ottoman territories that were unified by Alexandru Ioan Cuza. Carol’s anti-Ottoman gestures were made in anticipation of fine weather.

Issued in only 100 or 200 copies, Carol I’s post (6.45 g, 90% gold, 10% copper) never circulated, but was sent to foundries by the Ottomans. But coins that have escaped this historical provision are now a target for many collectors around the world.

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