Book Review “Same Kind of Different Than Me”

Those who feel called to minister to the homeless will love this story. It is a literal dream come true. Memories are full of stories that some people may not believe, but I do. There is both good and evil in this world. We forget that not long ago injustice was the way it was in America.

I was born after civil rights when technology started to change our world. The country was a different place before I was born. Denver was born on a plantation in Louisiana that time forgot.

Near the end of the story, Ron traveled back to that location in Louisiana with Denver and was shocked by what he saw. Denver was older than Ron, but their worlds had been very different growing up. Ron also grew up picking cotton, but he was white and went on to college and a career in a land of opportunity.

Denver never attended school or learned to read and write. He escaped from the plantation in his early thirties and spent ten years in Angola prison for trying to rob a bus. After jail, he spent many years homeless in Texas, but felt it was better than where he had been.

God brought Deborah, Ron and Denver together. It was literally a match made in heaven. It was put into Deborah’s heart that they were to volunteer at their local mission and befriend a specific man. He later died of cancer and the two men continued to bond as friends, drawing closer to God and working to improve conditions for the homeless people the mission served.

After Deborah’s death, enough money was raised to renovate the mission and included a new memorial chapel in her honor from donors. Denver began painting and traveling with Ron to share his story. They finally wrote it in book form.

In 2017, it was released as a movie. I didn’t get to see it in the theater, but as soon as it’s released on DVD, I’ll get it and have my tissue box ready to go. I know I’ll be crying all the time. I love these kinds of stories because I have had similar experiences. Mine will never be made into books or movies or have an ending, but I understand the hearts behind them. It’s like when you are reading or watching the story, someone catches you.

That someone is God. Know all our stories.

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