Can Your Doberman Pinscher Improve Its Health?

Numerous studies have shown that pets, or at least the presence of animals, can have medical benefits that are beyond dispute. These range from lowering blood pressure to decreasing anxiety and depression and even faster healing times after surgery.

Fido is not a placebo; You can literally be man’s best friend when people are sick. “We have known for many years that the company of a pet can be beneficial in a number of ways, but no one seems to have the answer exactly why this is so,” says Dr. Bonnie Beaver, who specializes in animal behavior and human-to-human relationships. animals at the Texas A&M University College of Veterinary Medicine.

“For example, long-term survival rates for heart attack victims who owned a pet have been shown to be significantly longer than those who did not. There is also data showing that widows who have cats are better medically in the first year, which is a critical factor
stress over time, than widows who don’t. “

Other studies have shown that:

-Older adults who have dogs go to the doctor less than those who do not. In a study of 100 Medicare patients, those with dogs made 21 percent fewer visits to a doctor than those without dogs;

-Pet owners have lower blood pressure, and a study showed that just 10 minutes in the company of an animal significantly reduces blood pressure rates;

-Pet owners have lower levels of triglycerides and cholesterol than non-owners;

-Pet owners have better overall physical health due to exercise with their pets;

-70 percent of surveyed families reported an increase in family happiness and fun after acquiring a pet;

-Children exposed to pets during their first year of life have a lower frequency of some allergies and asthma;

-Children with autism have more prosocial behaviors if they have a pet;

-Having a pet, especially a dog, helps the children of families better adapt to the serious illness or death of a parent;

-Pets reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation in their owners;

-Having a pet can reduce death rates from heart attacks by 3 percent, which translates to 30,000 lives saved annually;

-Positive self-esteem in children increases if the child has a pet;

-Children who have pets are more likely to participate in sports, hobbies, clubs, or even housework;

-Aids victims who have a pet report less depression and reduced stress levels. Many groups bring pets to visit nursing home residents and the experience is generally very positive for both the pet and the individual.

“Many people in nursing homes have had pets their entire lives, but for various reasons, they are not allowed to have them in a long-term care facility,” says Beaver. “The trend is to make these places ‘sterile’, with a minimum of plants or animals. Those that bring nature of all kinds generally provide a better quality of life for their residents.”

The reverse is also true: a pet’s life generally improves if its owner cares for it properly. “Geriatric animals in most veterinary settings are those that have
it had loving and caring owners who followed good management practices, “he adds.

“We don’t really understand why pets make us feel better and, in some cases, add years to our own lives,” Beaver explains. “There are many forms of the animal-person relationship. Some are not good, some are neutral, some are not realistic at all, and some are very enriching. Different people get different benefits from the animal, and even different benefits at different stages of the animal’s life. person “.

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