Eat guts and fat to increase strength and vitality

I hate diets. I hate people who talk and teach about diet even more. If you can’t tell, I’m a bit angry and confused. For thousands and thousands of years, we, as the human race, have walked the earth in extraordinary health, living WITH nature and sharing its abundance. No diets, just eating.

Instinctive feeding

She provided food, water, and shelter … all of our needs were met. We were strong, intelligent, and extremely vital well into old age. A clear example of this reality is the Hunzakut people of the Himalayas. This “lost race” of people was discovered, when interviewed by Renee Taylor in the 1906s:

Live to 100 and 120 years of age in near perfect physical condition and mental health … without weak and useless elderly, like the ones we find today.

100-year-old men were fathers and had strenuous full-time jobs … like moving 700 pounds. boulders that have fallen from the mountains out of the way.

The nearly 80-year-old woman looked younger, felt better, and is much more active than the average 40-year-old Western woman! I’m moving there to retire! (4)

Well, I can hear you now … “But Elliott, I am not a primitive man and we are not much better today due to medical advances.”

My short answers are: Yes, you are a primordial man. Today, our bodies are an exact expression of what our ancestors were like more than 100,000 years ago (2). It is believed that it takes about 100,000 years for the human genome to change 0.001 percent, so you and “Primal Man” are essentially the same thing (3).

Y: No, we are not better today with our so-called medical advances. No cure has been discovered that does not present the same or worse risk when taken than the disease itself. Just listen to the list of side effects listed when you’re watching the commercial with old men peeing on themselves, like bedwetting is a disease!

Eat guts and fat

For too long we have been told by “diet dictators” and “polyunsaturated puppets” to stay away from saturated fat, animal products, and cholesterol. Today I leave you free to fill your face with the same “artery clogging” diet that Native Americans ate before the White Man’s landing at Plymouth Rock with bags of white flour and sugar. These ‘men of the earth’ were tough, super strong and vital … and they ate tons of Guts and Grease.

The late Dr. Weston A. Price has documented the most comprehensive study ever conducted on primordial man and his diet / lifestyle in his groundbreaking book Nutrition & Physical Degeneration (1)

A brief history … Dr. Price was a dentist in the late 1930s, he began to notice that an increasing number of his patients were contracting dental diseases such as cavities and rotten teeth … is he not? And most notably, his younger patients were born with what Dr. Price “facial deformities.”

These ‘facial deformities’ have become common since the 1930s, including: crowding of the teeth, crowding of facial features, and narrowing of the palate and jaw. Additionally, Dr. Priced noted an increased susceptibility to disease when these ‘deformities’ were present. (1)

Not only did Dr. Price notice that the man’s physical makeup was deteriorating, but he also noted that the function of the mind and body was wasting away.

Many eminent sociologists and other scientists have emphasized that modern man has been declining in physical fitness. That the rate of degeneration is progressively accelerating is a cause for great alarm, especially since this is taking place despite the progress that is taking place. done in modern science along many lines of research. “(1)

So, like any sane, wealthy doctor of the time … he set out to find isolated groups of “primitive” peoples throughout the world. Dr. Price wanted to find out what “Man” was destined to eat and how “Man” was supposed to live.

In his travels, Dr. Price not only discovered that “primitive people” were happier, healthier, and more resistant to disease, but that they were as tough as fingernails …

He was once watching a group of “primitive kids” playing in a stream of water in the middle of winter while he and his colleges froze their asses in their big winter parkas on.

Native Americans lived for thousands of years completely isolated from “The White Man.” These people have adapted to their environments and have learned to live WITH the land, not just on it.

Indians of Canada and the northern regions

These people lived in a cold climate! It was under seventy in some points. This meant that they were definitely not farmers and if you told them that you had to eat 7 to 12 servings of grains a day (food pyramid) they would cast a spell on you!

They ate meat, meat and meat with a little meat on the side. He ate every part of the animal. The most important thing was the organs of the animals they ate. These wise people knew that it was in the organs that all the powerful nutrition resided … not in the lean meat. In fact, if the meat wasn’t fatty enough, he gave it to the dogs! (1)

Think about that the next time a puppet tells you to eat only lean meats and chicken breast.

Colon cancer was not seen among these people … so the meat = colon cancer theory comes out the window.

They were tough and smart people.

“They lived in a country where brown bears were common. Their skins were highly prized and they captured many of them with baited traps. Their knowledge of using the different organs and tissues of animals to provide a defense against some of the The conditions of the body that we talk about as a degenerative disease was surprising. ” (1)

His “fad diet” consisted of:

Chase wild animals: bear, elk, deer, caribou, etc. These people were strong because the animals they ate were strong. Wild game that served as a staple in the Native American diet was respected for its life-giving properties and lived off organic soil before being slaughtered for human consumption. I wonder where that chicken nugget you had for lunch came from.

ยท Animal organs: from rooter to tooter! The natives knew that the most nutritious parts of animal meal were the organs. In fact, when a slaughter was carried out, our cunning ancestors immediately opened it and ate the adrenal glands, liver, pancreas and heart first. All other meat was either stored for later or given to the dogs … especially the despised lean meat.

Vegetables: if they were in the animal’s stomach. Why waste valuable time and energy looking for vegetables and cooking them when our friendly animals will do all the work for us? The animals are so kind that they were even willing to pre-digest the plant food for us. Primordial man knew that meat was much richer in nutrients than grains and vegetables, so he ate animals that condensed all plant nutrition into small, tasty bites.

Sea food: fish, fish eggs and seaweed. Today, our oceans are so polluted that clean, uncontaminated fish is almost impossible to come by. So I don’t suggest going out to dinner for sushi every night. Fish oil is essential and should be part of every man’s diet. Today, our best option is to take a high-quality cod liver oil supplement.

These, like all the people Dr. Price studied, were very healthy until they came into contact with “modernized” peoples. It has been noted that medical care and surgeries were almost unheard of among people leading traditional lives, but were rampant among those who adopted the “white man’s ways.”

To regain your prime advantage and avoid illness and surgery, learn a lesson from these people … Eat real food. I don’t care if your favorite athlete tells you it will make you run faster, grow or hydrate better than water, if it wasn’t here 10,000 years ago, don’t eat it. Powders and pills are for p * ss, eat like a man!


1. Price, Weston A. Nutrition and Physical Degeneration. San Diego, CA: Price-Pottenger Foundation Inc., 1937, 1970, 2000.

2. Bailiff, George. TimeFrame: The Human Dawn. Alexandria, VA: Time-Life Books, 1990.

3. Sibley CG, Ahlquist JE. 1984. The phylogeny of hominoid primates as indicated by DNA-DNA hybridization. J Mol Evol 20: 22-25.

4. Taylor, Renee Hunza’s Health Secrets. Englewoods Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall Inc., 1964.

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