Gold making professions in the AoC

Get your Guild City with Gold Crafting Professions in Age of Conan

The first question most players ask when they start playing a new MMO is what are the professions that make gold. For Age of Conan, this was no different. However, discerning the gold-making professions in AoC has been a bit more difficult than most people suspected. Some of the professions were broken to start with, while others were available to everyone, making it too easy to work for yourself and avoid the economy altogether.


The last of the two fields mentioned above is Harvest. While all 6 collecting professions are available to everyone who plays (yes, you can have all 6 … and you probably should), they are still among the top gold-making professions in AoC. What is the problem, then? Well, harvesting really isn’t that much fun. In fact, it can be downright boring and due to the game’s PvP focus, you’ll often have other players camping in nodes waiting for you to pass by so they can kill you.

It is time consuming and difficult to complete, but if you can develop an effective collecting scheme and reach higher level collecting resources, this is by far one of the best professions to make gold in the AoC for a number of different reasons. Everyone needs resources (including you) and they never sit in the trading post for long.

Add in some good resource gathering spots, like Wildlands Boars, from which you can collect up to 100 hides in an hour, and you can make significant profits very quickly.


When you hit level 40, you finally gain access to the crafting professions and a couple of the best gold-making professions in AoC. Unfortunately, they tend to be the only really good professions for gold-making in the AoC outside of harvesting, so the variety is pretty limited. The pair, armor smithing and weapons smithing, is available to anyone who wants it and allows you to create your own armor and weapons. For the most part, the things you create are very similar to what you can get from mobs, but with one major exception. You can add gem slots to items and make them much more valuable to your fellow players.

As for other professions, gem carving is the only one that really has any chance of being valuable, if only because you need something to put in all those gem slots. Also, it’s useful because you can collect gems from mobs as you kill them, although having to go out and search for one more resource in gems isn’t necessarily something anyone likes after 20 levels of resource gathering.

Ultimately, there are multiple gold-making professions in the AoC, but unfortunately they are still largely unbalanced. If you really want to make gold, you need to know how to operate the Trade Post and how to integrate your resource gathering routine in the best possible way.

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