How Leaving Your Vehicle Idle Can Cost You Big Money At The Pump

Expensive gasoline prices are forcing today’s consumers to conserve automotive fuel as much as possible. Unbeknownst to many, even an idling car is guilty of consuming valuable fuel, not only needlessly wasting this expensive resource, but also causing danger to the environment and a health risk to many others. Idling can actually damage your vehicle, but that’s just the beginning. It may also be responsible for increased pollution levels caused by the burning of gasoline in the atmosphere.

Many people believe that there are times when it is okay for your car to idle. This common misconception is what causes parents rushing to drop their kids off to school or rushing to the dry cleaners to leave their car in this dangerous mode. It’s also another reason why many think that idling a car early in the morning, supposedly to warm it up before hitting the road, is an acceptable practice but ironically, a practice that really isn’t necessary at all. Vehicles don’t require any warm-up unless temperatures are below 25 degrees (and even then, an engine needs less than a minute). The best way to get your car, including wheel bearings, steering gear, tires and transmission, warm and ready, is to start driving. Turning off your car completely can also help save fuel.

Avoiding idling can also help preserve your car’s engine. An engine that is idling does not run at its maximum temperature and the combustion of fuel is not complete. This causes fuel debris to shrink cylinder walls, expel oil and damage engine components. A driver could see the effects of this damage later through accelerated fouling of their spark plugs or through condensation in their car’s exhaust. Bad spark plugs can increase fuel economy by up to 5 percent and a faulty and corrosive exhaust system can decrease the longevity of your engine. Turning off the car completely can reduce such potential risks.

However, the damage that an idle car can cause is not just limited to the vehicle itself. Idling cars produce emissions that have been found to negatively affect respiratory health. Vehicle exhaust fumes also contribute to poor air quality and smog. These factors have resulted in things like asthma, emphysema and chronic bronchitis, and even premature death. Children and the elderly have been the most affected, but the environment is also affected. Idle vehicles emit pollutants such as carbon dioxide. An engine idling for 10 minutes produces 90 grams of this gas and consumes 0.14 liters of fuel (commercial vehicles produce even more). These fumes could be greatly reduced if all cars would idle one minute less each day. Some countries have even instituted regulations already intended to do just that. An environmental organization has put together a plan to end idling altogether. Widespread practices like these will help decrease air pollution and the threat of global warming.

An idling car can be expensive and corrosive. It affects your engine, your health and your wallet. Don’t sit idle when it comes to keeping your planet safe.

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