How to Quickly and Easily Embed YouTube Videos Into a WordPress Blog Post

In this article, I will describe step by step how you can quickly and easily embed YouTube videos into a WordPress blog post.

It’s true, a blog with nothing but text can be pretty boring, so it’s a great idea to add things like images and videos to your blog. One of the most common questions we are asked at Learn WordPress Visually is how can you embed a YouTube video in a WordPress post.
Step 1: create a new blog post

Step 2: Give your post a title and write whatever text you would like on your post. Note: You can have a post that only has the video or you can have the video in the post along with the text that you have added.

Step 3: Click on the “HTML” tab

There are two tabs at the top right of the WordPress publishing area. One tab is called “Visual” and the other is called “HTML”

Important: This is the step that most people forget. make sure you have selected the HTML tab and not Visual.

Step 4: In another Internet window, go to YouTube and find the video that you would like to embed in your blog post. This is the other step where a lot of people go wrong. Make sure you don’t just click the channel, it’s important to click the title of the actual video that you would like to embed.

Step 5: Click the “Embed” button found on YouTube and directly below the video window.

Step 6: Now you will see the HTML code that is needed to embed that particular video. You will also see some options below that code that you can select. Once you’ve selected the options (you don’t have to select additional options if you don’t need them) click your mouse on the box with the code and it should automatically highlight the code. Once you’ve done that, right click and copy the code (or click “edit, copy”) that will copy the code for that video.

Step 7: Go back to your WordPress window (or tab) and again, make sure the “HTML” tab is selected. Click your mouse on the post and place it where you would like the YouTube video to appear. Once you’ve done that, just right-click (or select edit) and paste that code into that area of ​​the post.

Step 8: That’s all you have to do. You can now go back to the “Visual” tab to return to your normal view. You may not be able to see the video until you publish your blog post, so click “Publish” to publish your post and you will now have a post that has a YouTube video on it, which means people can watch! the video without even leaving your blog!

Final tip: When you choose the embed options on YouTube, I generally uncheck the “show related videos” box, which means that when the YouTube video is done viewing on my blog, someone else’s related video will not appear.

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