Know the main causes of breast cancer

Today, we all know the term breast cancer, which occurs due to the uncontrollable growth of breast cells. Women are more at risk than men. It is one of the most common cancers diagnosed in women and occurs mainly in the ducts or lobes of the breast. It is important for every woman to take some preventive measures to avoid such a terrible condition and for this, it is essential to have adequate knowledge about its root cause. If you don’t have it, scroll down to grab now.


Although the main cause of breast cancer in women is not yet known. Still, there are some factors that increase your risk of being affected by the disease, such as:

Aging: Hard to believe, but it is true that aging is one of the common factors. As you start to get older, your risk of being affected by the disease also increases.

Alcohol consumption: Excessive alcohol consumption also doubles your risk, so you should limit your amount to avoid it.

Dense breast tissue: Another reason that causes the condition is having dense breast tissue. It can stimulate the growth of cells that create further disease.

Early menstruation: Women who have their periods before the age of 12 are at higher risk for the disorder than others.

Late birth or never having been pregnant: Women who have their first child later in life for any reason have a higher risk of breast cancer. Also, women who cannot conceive easily are affected by it.

Previous or family history: If you have breast cancer in one breast, you are more likely to have it on the other side as well. Also, if someone in your family has had it before, this can also double your chances of breast cancer.

These are some of the reasons that increase your risk of getting breast cancer. And if you are the one with the condition, then instead of suffering in silence, go and get the proper treatment that doubles your chances of recovery. There are different types of treatments available to cure the problem such as surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, hormonal or endocrine therapy, etc. Always go to the right treatment for breast cancer based on your current condition.

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